N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 18, December 9, 2024. Topic: Nintendo Museum… Leggi tutto…
Il progetto faciLibri è stato ideato per aumentare le competenze di literacy nei bambini che presentano bisogni comunicativi complessi e… Leggi tutto…
Questo set contiene alcune pagine modello per la costruzione di materiali da stampare…. Leggi tutto…
Questa attività comprende otto puzzle da 6 pezzi ciascuno. L’immagine intera viene ricostruita trascinando ogni pezzo del puzzle… Leggi tutto…
Questo modello consente di creare otto puzzle da 6 pezzi. Il set di pagine include indicazioni dettagliate per semplificare la creazione dei… Leggi tutto…
Il Pacchetto Logo è uno strumento messo a disposizione dei terapisti del linguaggio e ideato da una logopedista con lunga esperienza…. Leggi tutto…
La scena visiva (Visual Scene Display) rappresenta un modo di presentare i contenuti comunicativi diverso dalla griglia di comunicazione… Leggi tutto…
Questo modello permette di costruire una semplice attività di ortografia su parole selezionate…. Leggi tutto…
Questo modello permette di costruire una attività con domande e risposte a scelta multipla…. Leggi tutto…
Questo modello permette di costruire una semplice attività in cui gli alunni associano vari eventi o sequenze in ordine temporale…. Leggi tutto…
Questo modello permette di costruire una semplice attività in cui gli alunni associano quattro parole a quattro definizioni corrispondenti…. Leggi tutto…
Questo modello permette di costruire una semplice attività di associazione in cui gli alunni associano quattro parole a quattro immagini… Leggi tutto…
Questo set di pagine contiene una tastiera QWERTY con predizione di parola e di frase per velocizzare la produzione scritta e orale. Il set… Leggi tutto…
Questo modello permette di creare velocemente un semplice libro. Ogni pagina contiene una cella grande per l’immagine, una cella per… Leggi tutto…
Questo esempio è stato costruito usando il modello EZBook. Ogni pagina contiene una grande cella dove vengono visualizzate le immagini e… Leggi tutto…
Set di materiali dedicati ad utilizzatori con disturbo dello spettro autistico: comprende attività di comunicazione simbolica,… Leggi tutto…
Attività con un dado le cui facce sono programmabili. Il dado può essere utilizzato in setting di gioco per favorie l’inclusione,… Leggi tutto…
Questa attività è composta da due parti. Nella prima, viene costruita una zucca per Halloween selezionando gli elementi contenuti in… Leggi tutto…
Questa attività è composta da due parti. Nella prima, i bambini costruiscono una zucca per Halloween selezionando gli elementi contenuti… Leggi tutto…
Questo set di pagine utilizza due voci di sintesi vocale in due lingue differenti, Italiano e Inglese. La cella posizionata in basso a… Leggi tutto…
In questa attività l’alunno si esercita nella classificazione, trascinando gli oggetti sulla pagina nei riquadri delle… Leggi tutto…
In questa attività l’alunno riordina eventi in base a una sequenza temporale, trascinando le celle in basso sulle celle vuote…. Leggi tutto…
Questa attività permette all’alunno di esercitarsi in autonomia nel calcolo di addizioni a 2 cifre…. Leggi tutto…
Questa attività permette all’alunno di esercitarsi in autonomia nel calcolo di sottrazioni a 2 cifre…. Leggi tutto…
Obiettivo dell’esercizio è individuare l’operazione richiesta per risolvere un semplice problema…. Leggi tutto…
Obiettivo dell’esercizio è individuare l’operazione richiesta per risolvere un semplice problema e poi calcolare il… Leggi tutto…
Un semplice testo che illustra le caratteristiche principali di alcune figure geometriche…. Leggi tutto…
Semplice attività nella quale l’alunno identifica la posizione di un oggetto rispetto ad un altro e si esercita nell’uso… Leggi tutto…
Attività introduttiva e di valutazione sull’accesso tramite scansione…. Leggi tutto…
Questo modello permette di creare in pochi passaggi un semplice libro. Basta selezionare una serie di pagine preimpostate, scegliere un… Leggi tutto…
Questo modello permette di creare facilmente un semplice libro adattato. Ogni pagina contiene una grande cella dove vengono visualizzate le… Leggi tutto…
Questo set di pagine comprende una serie di giochi per sviluppare abilità linguistiche e ampliare il vocabolario. Sono inclusi elenchi di… Leggi tutto…
Questo esercizio contiene 10 pagine. Ogni pagina presenta un’immagine e tre lettere. L’obiettivo è quello di scrivere il… Leggi tutto…
Questo esercizio contiene 10 pagine. Ogni pagina presenta tre immagini e tre nomi. L’obiettivo è quello di associare i nomi… Leggi tutto…
Questo set di pagine permette di costruire una libreria digitale con brevi storie che contengono testi, effetti sonori e animazioni. Questo… Leggi tutto…
In questo set di pagine l’alunno associa immagini e frasi. L’attività supporta diverse modalità di accesso…. Leggi tutto…
In questo esercizio l’alunno abbina due immagini che appartengono alla stessa categoria. L’attività supporta diverse… Leggi tutto…
Un semplice libro adattato con informazioni sulla vita di Cristoforo Colombo…. Leggi tutto…
Un semplice libro adattato con informazioni sul nostro satellite…. Leggi tutto…
Un semplice libro adattato con informazioni sula rana e sul suo ciclo vitale…. Leggi tutto…
Il set di pagine contiene due esempi di videomodeling (ognuno composto da video completo e video delle micro-azioni da consultare in… Leggi tutto…
Questa versione della risorsa ‘Associa l’immagine alla frase ‘ include la cella pausa e target più grandi , per… Leggi tutto…
Questa versione della risorsa ‘Forme Geometriche – Leggi’ include la cella pausa, per supportare utenti che accedono a… Leggi tutto…
Questa versione della risorsa ‘Sopra e sotto’ include la cella pausa, per supportare utenti che accedono a Mind Express 5 col… Leggi tutto…
Un libro in simboli che racconta la famosa favola, con un testo semplificato accompagnato dalla traduzione in simboli e dalla narrazione… Leggi tutto…
Il set di pagine contiene una serie di esempi sull’uso di due sensori, nei quali ogni sensore attiva una funzione diversa. Andando in… Leggi tutto…
trascina nome oggetti della scuola in inglese sotto i relativi oggetti in italiano con verifica finale… Leggi tutto…
Attività per creare biglietti augurali per le feste. 1. Scegliere un’immagine per il biglietto. 2. Scrivere il messaggio di auguri…. Leggi tutto…
Un completo sistema di comunicazione solo-testo, ricco di opzioni e totalmente gratuito. Include: tastiera, database di frasi… Leggi tutto…
In questa attività gli alunni si esercitano sulle addizioni entro il dieci. È possibile selezionare un’opzione che… Leggi tutto…
In questa attività gli alunni si esercitano a risolvere sottrazioni entro il dieci. È possibile selezionare un’opzione… Leggi tutto…
Semplice attività di tipo causa-effetto nella quale gli alunni costruiscono un pupazzo di neve selezionando parti del corpo e… Leggi tutto…
Semplice attività di composizione frasi nella quale gli alunni esprimono cosa desiderano regalare a familiari ed amici per le feste… Leggi tutto…
Un addestramento semplice e divertente all’utilizzo del puntamento oculare, gratuito per tutti gli utilizzatori di Mind Express! La… Leggi tutto…
Questo wizard permette di predisporre velocemente attività di costruzione-frasi. Basta digitare un elenco di frasi e selezionare le… Leggi tutto…
Un esempio costruito col wizard Scrivi Frasi. Argomento: animali della foresta… Leggi tutto…
Questo file permette al bambino di esercitarsi nel riconoscimento del proprio nome. Ogni pagina mostra due nomi (quello del bambino e un… Leggi tutto…
Attività tematiche e modelli che forniscono agli insegnanti diversi spunti e materiali già pronti per la preparazione di… Leggi tutto…
Semplice modello per scrivere una lettera a Babbo Natale…. Leggi tutto…
In questa attività a tema natalizio vengono presentate delle brevi animazioni che descrivono delle azioni. Dopo aver visto le… Leggi tutto…
Attività a tema natalizio nella quale vengono presentate (con video e testo) alcune azioni che hanno come protagonista Babbo Natale…. Leggi tutto…
Set di tastiere con vari layout per alunni di scuola primaria o alunni che hanno bisogno di supporto visivo per riconoscere le lettere… Leggi tutto…
Tastiera fonetica con alfabeto e suoni in italiano e previsione di parola. In stampato minuscolo. Indicata per avviamento alla scrittura… Leggi tutto…
In questa attività gli alunni si esercitano nel riconoscimento di numeri e colori. Per svelare il disegno nascosto su ogni pagina,… Leggi tutto…
Facile attività che permette di realizzare in pochi passaggi un originale biglietto di auguri pasquali. Per prima cosa, i ragazzi… Leggi tutto…
Questa attività permette agli alunni di esercitarsi nel calcolo di addizioni in colonna a una o due cifre con e senza riporto. Gli… Leggi tutto…
Questa attività permette agli alunni di esercitarsi nel calcolo di sottrazioni in colonna a una o due cifre con e senza cambio… Leggi tutto…
In questa attività gli allievi si esercitano nel contare oggetti dall’1 al 10…. Leggi tutto…
In questa attività gli allievi si esercitano nel contare oggetti dall’1 al 5…. Leggi tutto…
In questa attività gli alunni compongono semplici frasi per descrivere il colore dell’oggetto visualizzato su ciascuna pagina…. Leggi tutto…
Esercizio sui rapporti topologici. Gli allievi identificano la posizione di un oggetto rispetto a un altro e si esercitano… Leggi tutto…
Esercizio sui rapporti topologici. Gli allievi identificano la posizione di un oggetto rispetto a un altro utilizzando correttamente i… Leggi tutto…
Traduzione in italiano del file francese di Joëlle LABEYRIE ‘Construction de phrases simples’. Chiede all’utente di… Leggi tutto…
Questa attività è composta da 3 esercizi di associazione. Nel primo si associa l’immagine al nome dell’animale… Leggi tutto…
Questo esempio, tradotto e modificato dalla versione inglese già disponibile sul sito, dimostra come una tabella dinamica può… Leggi tutto…
Associare il nome in Inglese al frutto o alla verdura corrispondenti. Le celle con le immagini vegono posizionate sulla pagina in… Leggi tutto…
Ascoltare la definizione sulla pagina e individuare l’operazione matematica che si associa ad essa…. Leggi tutto…
Spazio tempo è un esercizio semplice per rafforzare le abilità spazio temporali colorando i vari oggetti proposti…. Leggi tutto…
In questo esercizio l’alunno deve indicare se un numero è pari o dispari. Facendo clic su uno dei numeri è possibile… Leggi tutto…
Cruciverba con definizioni e parole a tema natalizio…. Leggi tutto…
Attività a tema natalizio che prevede la ricerca su un diagramma di un elenco di parole nascoste…. Leggi tutto…
Metti in ordine alfabetico le parole con lo sfondo giallo. Clicca su ciascuna parola per scriverla nel riquadro verde. Alla fine, clicca… Leggi tutto…
Completare le parole con una delle lettere straniere posizionate in basso…. Leggi tutto…
Ogni pagina contiene degli elementi da contare (da 1 a 10). Tre possibili risposte da selezionare…. Leggi tutto…
Esercizio per rafforzare osservazione e associazione degli oggetti uguali… Leggi tutto…
In deze dobbelsteen zitten 6 prentjes die verwijzen naar liedjes waarbij je gebaren kan gebruiken. Je kan de liedjes ook vinden bij juf… Leggi tutto…
Mind Express heeft een aantal functionaliteiten aan boord die interessant kunnen zijn bij meertaligheid of het verwerven van een andere… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 17, December 2, 2024. Topic: Astronomy Discovery Center… Leggi tutto…
De prentenboeken uit de Milo & Lana reeks zijn speciaal ontwikkeld om interactief en ondersteund voor te lezen. Dat betekent dat het… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 16, November 25, 2024. Topic: Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade… Leggi tutto…
In dit document vind je een aantal links naar FAQ-items en trainingspagina’s die je hopelijk handvatten bieden om Mind Express 5 af te… Leggi tutto…
Dit is een kaart om een interactieve activiteit te doen met een liedje. Het ‘luisterliedje’ van totaalmuziek gaat over hallo… Leggi tutto…
Dit is een kaart om een interactieve activiteit te doen met een liedje. Het liedje ‘de bal’ van totaalmuziek gaat over met een… Leggi tutto…
Misschien wist je al dat je een internetbrowser kan integreren binnen Mind Express.* Meer info vind je hier; in het FAQ-item wordt dit… Leggi tutto…
Samling av ulike utskrifts maler. Her finner du Flashkort, dagsplaner, sekvenser, matching, diagram, mål, prestasjonssymboler, venn… Leggi tutto…
I dette oppsettet finner du 8 ulike maler og eksempler til utskrift. Du finner 2 maler og eksempler for “Jeg ser”. Her er det… Leggi tutto…
Set de page interactif permettant de faire deviner la carte ( décoration de Noël piochée) et/ de la reconnaître. Imprimez les pages 2 et… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 15, November 18, 2024. Topic: Moana 2 Movie… Leggi tutto…
Wil jij ook graag je mooiste wensen overbrengen naar je geliefden? Met dit handige document kun je eenvoudig je eigen nieuwjaarsbrief… Leggi tutto…
Zowel met je vertrouwde bedieningsmethode, als in bewerkenweergave kan je opnames maken met Mind Express 5. 2 procedures… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 14, November 11, 2024. Topic: Native American Heritage Month… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 13, November 4, 2024. Topic: Young Inventor Challenge… Leggi tutto…
Woordenschat rond thema Halloween. De woorden kunnen ook ingeoefend worden met het Memory spel. Taalstimulering (woordenschat, zinsbouw)… Leggi tutto…
Een kruiswoordraadsel rond thema Halloween. Happy Halloween!… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 12, October 28, 2024. Topic: 2024 Election Day… Leggi tutto…
Un entrenamiento sencillo y divertido sobre el uso del lector ocular que ofrece la posibilidad de analizar el comportamiento de la mirada… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 11, October 21, 2024. Topic: Red bull cliff diving world series… Leggi tutto…
Je kan dit voorbeelddocument gebruiken om een eigen social script/story te visualiseren. Elk onderdeel kun je afkruisen. Opgelet: Dit… Leggi tutto…
Dit is een voorbeelddocument, gemaakt aan de hand van het sjabloon ‘Creëer een boek (Jabbla sjabloon)’. Ben je op zoek naar… Leggi tutto…
Dit sjabloon wil het bouwen van een eigen boek in Mind Express vereenvoudigen. Het gaat alweer een stap verder dan ‘Sjabloon –… Leggi tutto…
Did you know that pumpkins are a type of fruit? Find out all about pumpkins with this book! This pageset was built on the Jabbla Book… Leggi tutto…
This template, designed to create adapted books, includes pages with different layouts in addition to numerous settings and tools to… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 10, October 14, 2024. Topic: Great Pumpkin Farm Fall Festival… Leggi tutto…
Ce modèle permet aux utilisateurs de créer facilement un livre personnalisé. Le livre est rapidement construit en sélectionnant des… Leggi tutto…
Do you use barrier games ? In Mind Express you can create templates for this purpose, given the possibility to create freestyle pagesets… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 9, October 7, 2024. Topic: National Disability Employment Awareness Month… Leggi tutto…
Dit bestand telt één pagina. Dit is een voorbeeld van een themakaart rond de herfst. Zet dit in tijdens het lezen van een verhaaltje rond… Leggi tutto…
KeyVit is een Mind Express document waarmee je andere programma’s op je Windowscomputer kan bedienen. Het is dus een document waarmee… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 8, September 30, 2024. Topic: Fat Bear Week 2024… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 7, September 23, 2024. Topic: Neptune Festival Boardwalk Weekend… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 6, September 16, 2024. Topic: Hispanic Heritage Month… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 5, September 9, 2024. Topic: Hurricane Hunters… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 4, September 2, 2024. Topic: The Great Reno Balloon Race… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 3, August 26, 2024. Topic: Creative Growth 50th Anniversary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 2, August 19, 2024. Topic: Puffling Patrol… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 1, August 12, 2024. Topic: La Nube Museum… Leggi tutto…
Utilisez-vous Mind Express pour imprimer des documents ? Si c’est le cas, cette série de pages vous aidera à démarrer. Dans ce set… Leggi tutto…
Ce set de pages est utilisé en glissant les cases du bas de la page dans la catégories souhaitée. Les modifications sont simples à… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 42, July 22, 2024. Topic: 2024 Summer Olympics… Leggi tutto…
Este cuento habla sobre un niño y una niña que visitan el zoo y encuentran animales sorprendentes. Iris y Mico pasan un día estupendo y… Leggi tutto…
Binnen de verschillende taalsystemen, vind je heel wat woordenschat, frases, zin(sstarters) … om een gesprek te initiëren, te… Leggi tutto…
Le cahier de vie est un outil qui permet aux personnes de raconter des expériences personnelles significatives. Il permet de collecter et… Leggi tutto…
Set de materiales dedicado a personas con condición del espectro autista. Involucra actividades de comunicación simbólica, anticipación,… Leggi tutto…
Do you know the actions and settings in the category “Log”? This pageset shows you which functionalities are available. Maybe… Leggi tutto…
Gracias al tablero de escritura creativa podrás escribir diferentes historias incluso si aún no se ha iniciado el aprendizaje de la… Leggi tutto…
Esta plantilla para adaptar libros a Mind Express 5 facilita la tarea de creación de cuentos, libros de texto, álbumes de fotos,… Leggi tutto…
Esta actividad tiene como objetivo el aprendizaje de las vocales y su uso en palabras en posición inicial. Este recurso presenta un nivel… Leggi tutto…
Este conjunto de páginas comprende una serie de juegos para desarrollar la competencia lingüística y ampliar el vocabulario. Están… Leggi tutto…
Este material permite crear una carta a papá para celebrar el Día del Padre o cualquier otro momento que deseemos. Está basado en… Leggi tutto…
Este material permite crear una carta a mamá para celebrar el Día de la Madre o cualquier otro momento que deseemos. Está basado en… Leggi tutto…
Vous partez en camp ou en vacances et vous souhaitez envoyer une carte à votre famille ou à vos amis ? Avec ce modèle, vous pouvez… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 41, June 24, 2024. Topic: Grand Haven Coast Guard Festival… Leggi tutto…
Se trata de una memoria en torno al tema de la fruta…. Leggi tutto…
In opdracht van ISAAC-nf zijn door ALOHA OC twee bladen gemaakt in ME5 waarmee het prentenboek “Kom uit die kraan!!” interactief… Leggi tutto…
Ken je de acties en instellingen al rond “Data verzamelen”? Maak kennis met een aantal mogelijkheden aan de hand van dit… Leggi tutto…
Rett Familiedag Hof van Eckberge te Eibergen 8 juni 2024…. Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 39, May 20, 2024. Topic: Legoland California’s 25th Anniversary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 38, May 13, 2024. Topic: Space Perspective… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 37, May 6, 2024. Topic: International Chimpanzee Complex… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 36, April 29, 2024. Topic: Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month… Leggi tutto…
Een complete app met ondersteuning voor bediening van je Windows-omgeving met oogsturing. Hier op ons YouTube-kanaal vind je een… Leggi tutto…
ISAAC-NF heeft een passie voor het voorlezen met O.C. Bijgevolg kwam de oproep om een kaart te voorzien voor de jaarlijkse… Leggi tutto…
ISAAC-NF heeft een passie voor het voorlezen met O.C. Bijgevolg kwam de oproep om een kaart te voorzien voor de jaarlijkse actie… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 35, April 22, 2024. Topic: Nantucket Daffodil Festival… Leggi tutto…
Trouver l’heure sur l’horloge. Regardez l’horloge et cliquez sur l’heure correcte. Cette exercice utilise un retour… Leggi tutto…
Entraînez les élèves à faire des additions jusqu’à 10. Les quantités sont présentées concrètement sous les nombres. Vous… Leggi tutto…
Ce document propose une grille de mots croisés prête à l’emploi (thème : classe). Méthode de travail : Devinez le mot associé à… Leggi tutto…
Mind Express heeft verschillende mogelijkheden om te vervoegen en verbuigen in het Nederlands. Bekijk het informele filmpje op ons… Leggi tutto…
Dit document telt 5 timers. Je kan per timer een persoon, activiteit en tijdsduur instellen. Zo kan je tot 5 personen informeren over de… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 34, April 15, 2024. Topic: Fossil Park Museum… Leggi tutto…
Utilisez ce document pour visualiser et suivre pas à pas certaines routines dans votre classe ou votre groupe. Ce document pourrait… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 33, April 8, 2024. Topic: NASA Student Launch… Leggi tutto…
Een eenvoudige manier om uit een aantal boekjes van www.sprekendboek.nl te kiezen en door het boekje te bladeren.Je kunt uiteraard zelf… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 31, March 25, 2024. Topic: Jaguar Rescue Center… Leggi tutto…
dit document hoort bij het liedje “stippen op een ei”, de kinderen kunnen een kleur kiezen, waarna je het liedje samen kan… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 30, March 18, 2024. Topic: Morgan’s Wonderland… Leggi tutto…
Gebruik jij Mind Express voor printmateriaal? Dan vind je deze info in de handleiding misschien behulpzaam? In dit document vind je alvast:… Leggi tutto…
Kies een volwassen dier in de linker kolom en zoek het jong aan de rechterkant. Na het oplossen van een opgave, wordt deze onzichtbaar… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 29, March 11, 2024. Topic: Pacific Rim Whale Festival… Leggi tutto…
Lisez le mot au centre de la page. Associez ce mot à l’une des images. Personnaliser : personnaliser le contenu de chaque page dans… Leggi tutto…
Gebruik je Mind Express al digitaal in je (klas-)groep? Misschien wil je dit document dan toevoegen aan je digibord. Via dit documentje kan… Leggi tutto…
Gebruik dit document om bepaalde routines in je klas of groep stapsgewijs te visualiseren en te doorlopen. Wie weet, kan dit document de… Leggi tutto…
Lees het woordbeeld centraal op de pagina. Match dit woord aan één van de figuren. Personaliseren: pas de inhoud op elke pagina aan in… Leggi tutto…
Deze oefening telt 10 opgaven. Bij elke prent krijg je vier letters. Het doel is om een woord te bouwen dat past bij de opgegeven prent. Zet… Leggi tutto…
Dit document biedt een kant-en-klare kruiswoordpuzzel (thema: klas). Werkwijze: Raad het woord bij de prent. Selecteer het potloodicoontje…. Leggi tutto…
Bouw een zin. Kies hiervoor één woord van elke woordsoort (= kleur). Zoeken naar het gewenste woord, doe je via de pijltjes boven de… Leggi tutto…
Versleep de figuren naar de lege vakjes bovenin het scherm. Rangschik ze zodanig dat er een logisch verhaal ontstaat. Meer info over de… Leggi tutto…
Oefen sommen tot 10. Ondersteuning: De hoeveelheden worden concreet voorgesteld onder de cijfers. Je kan de opgave laten verklanken. Je kan… Leggi tutto…
Kies een letter in de linker kolom en zoek de identieke letter aan de rechterkant. Na het oplossen van een opgave, wordt deze onzichtbaar… Leggi tutto…
Bouw en print een postkaart. Als begeleider kan je alvast een aantal boodschappen klaarzetten. Zo kan de O.C.-gebruiker of leerling… Leggi tutto…
Een Visual Scene Display (VSD) is een afbeelding of foto van een bekende scène met opgeslagen boodschappen om functionele communicatie aan… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 28, March 4, 2024. Topic: Women’s History Month… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 27, February 26, 2024. Topic: Mount Rainier’s 125th Anniversary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 26, February 19, 2024. Topic: The Rabbit hOle Museum… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 25, February 12, 2024. Topic: Life Rolls On… Leggi tutto…
Actividad de aprendizaje sobre animales y colores. En cada escena, deberás responder a la pregunta “¿de qué color es este animal?…. Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 24, February 5, 2024. Topic: Super Bowl 2024… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 23, January 29, 2024. Topic: Black History Month… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 22, January 22, 2024. Topic: Winter Youth Olympic Games… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 21, January 15, 2024. Topic: Washed Ashore Exhibit… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 20, January 8, 2024. Topic: Hwacheon Sancheoneo Ice Festival… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 19, December 181, 2023. Topic: Remembering 2023… Leggi tutto…
Dette er en mal for personlig alfabet hvor du kan bytte ut bildene med egne bilder. Uttalen til bokstavene er med bokstavlyd. Hjelp til… Leggi tutto…
Dette er en mal for personlig alfabet hvor du kan bytte ut bildene med egne bilder. Her har du en side med bokstav, bilde og bokstavlyd og… Leggi tutto…
Dette er en mal for tastatur med personlig alfabet hvor du kan bytte ut bildene med egne bilder. Siden har QWERTY og ABC tastatur, i tillegg… Leggi tutto…
Dette er en mal for tastatur med personlig alfabet hvor du kan bytte ut bildene med egne bilder. Oppsettet har QWERTY og ABC tastatur med… Leggi tutto…
Dette er en mal for enkelt tastatur . Velg mellom QWERTY og ABC tastatur. I tillegg kan man gå inn på personlig alfabet. Du finner hjelp… Leggi tutto…
Dette er en mal for personlig alfabet hvor du kan bytte ut bildene med egne bilder. Inne i oppsettet finner du redigeringshjelp…. Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 18, December 11, 2023. Topic: Gingerbread Displays… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 17, December 4, 2023. Topic: Penguin Post Office… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 16, November 27, 2023. Topic: Niagara Falls Winter Festival of Lights… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 15, November 20, 2023. Topic: Wish Movie… Leggi tutto…
In 2023 is het prentenboek ‘Help! Een verrassing!’ het onderwerp van het interactieve voorleespakket van ISAAC-NF. Voor het modelleren… Leggi tutto…
In opdracht van ISAAC-nf zijn door ALOHA OC twee bladen gemaakt in ME5 waarmee het prentenboek “Help! Een verrassing!”… Leggi tutto…
1 vraag met 3 mogelijkheden thema Sint (bv. wat kan je eten: boek, chocola, sap)… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 14, November 13, 2023. Topic: Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 13, November 6, 2023. Topic: Native American Heritage Month… Leggi tutto…
Gebruiken jullie Mind Express op Windowsplatformen binnen jullie organisatie? Dan kan deze info (ook terug te vinden in dit FAQ-item) jullie… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 12, October 30, 2023. Topic: 2023 Hero Dog Awards… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 11, October 23, 2023. Topic: Ludwigsburg Pumpkin Exhibition… Leggi tutto…
We werken in de godsdienstles steeds met een vast stramien. En vullen daarbij nog enkele zaken aan. Liedjes godsdienst is gekoppeld aan dit… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 10, October 16, 2023. Topic: Jasper Dark Sky Festival… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 9, October 9, 2023. Topic: Disc Golf Pro Tour Championship… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 8, October 2, 2023. Topic: Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 7, September 25, 2023. Topic: Fat Bear Week… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 6, September 18, 2023. Topic: NASA’s OSIRIS-REx Mission… Leggi tutto…
Her finner du et eksempel på handlingsrekke hvor man har nedtelling på delaktiviteten å pusse tenner. Dette kan overfører til hvilken… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 5, September 11, 2023. Topic: Hispanic Heritage Month… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 4, September 4, 2023. Topic: Renaissance Festivals… Leggi tutto…
Speel eenvoudige spelletjes en leer zo werken met de muis, schakelaar of oogsturing. Dit zijn online spelletjes (in dit document… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 3, August 28, 2023. Topic: The Great American Rail-Trail… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 2, August 21, 2023. Topic: Washington State International Kite Festival… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 1, August 14, 2023. Topic: Chicago Air and Water Show… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 40, July 31, 2023. Topic: Tour de Turtles… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 39, June 26, 2023. Topic: RoboCup… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 38, May 29, 2023. Topic: Special Olympics World Games… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 37, May 22, 2023. Topic: Denver Chalk Art Festival… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 36, May 15, 2023. Topic: Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month… Leggi tutto…
Planning om te gebruiken bij de start van de dag, bijvoorbeeld in de kring. Elk onderdeel kun je afkruisen. Opgelet: Dit document gebruikt… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 35, May 8, 2023. Topic: Biggest Week in American Birding… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 34, May 1, 2023. Topic: Memphis in May International Festival… Leggi tutto…
Switch On Literacy Switch On Literacy is an extensive collection of ready-made activities and easily customizable templates designed for… Leggi tutto…
Een deelnemer van de vervolgcursus Mind Express ging creatief aan de slag met geluidseffecten en het principe van dynamische lijsten. Neem… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 33, April 24, 2023. Topic: Coronation of King Charles III… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 32, April 17, 2023. Topic: The City Nature Challenge… Leggi tutto…
Dit document bevat een letterkaart: met alfabetische rangschikking van de letters met geluidsopnames per letter (bestandstype: WAV) die… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 31, April 10, 2023. Topic: Amelia Earhart Hangar Museum… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 30, April 3, 2023. Topic: The Super Mario Bros. Movie… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 29, March 27, 2023. Topic: Warner Bros.’ 100th Anniversary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 28, March 20, 2023. Topic: Dig’N Zone Theme Park… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 27, March 13, 2023. Topic: March Madness… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 26, March 6, 2023. Topic: The Ocean Cleanup… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 25, February 27, 2023. Topic: Women’s History Month… Leggi tutto…
Dette gir deg visuell oversikt over rutinene. Her kan du registrere hva som er gjennomført og hva som er neste. Denne inneholder et… Leggi tutto…
Timeplan i leserekke med symboler. Når klokken er over tidspunktet vil symbolet gå fra farget til svart hvit. Du finner også link til… Leggi tutto…
Timeplan med visuell indikator for et helt døgn. Rød indikerer at tiden er over, grønt indikerer at det er en aktivitet som skal… Leggi tutto…
Et enkelt oppsett med klassisk følelsestermometer, det kan være et fint verktøy dersom man sliter med å utrykke følelsene sine…. Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 24, February 20, 2023. Topic: Gilder Center… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 23, February 13, 2023. Topic: World’s Biggest Aquarium… Leggi tutto…
Kies een symbool aan de linkerkant en zoek het overeenkomstige symbool aan de rechterkant. Thema: kleuren. Na het oplossen van een opgave,… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 22, February 6, 2023. Topic: The 2023 Super Bowl… Leggi tutto…
Dette er en handlingsrekke hvor når du har gjennomfør del handling til aktiviteten vil bildet bli i svart hvit. Dette er en eksempel fil… Leggi tutto…
Dette er en handlingsrekke hvor når du har gjennomfør del handling til aktiviteten vil bildet bli i svart hvit. Dette er en mal så du… Leggi tutto…
Dette er en handlingsrekke hvor når du har gjennomført del handling til aktiviteten vil bildet bli fjernet. Dette er et eksempel med å… Leggi tutto…
Dette er en handlingsrekke hvor når du har gjennomført del handling til aktiviteten vil bildet forsvinne. Dette er en mal så du enkelt… Leggi tutto…
Timeplan for en dag med symboler. Timeplanen går i lesevei. Når tiden er forbi vil bildet endres til svart/hvit. Dersom du trykker på… Leggi tutto…
Enkel timeplan med visuell indikator for en dag…. Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 21, January 30, 2023. Topic: U.S. Civil Rights Trail… Leggi tutto…
This template allows you to create eight 6-piece jigsaw puzzles. The pageset includes detailed directions to simplify the puzzles’… Leggi tutto…
This activity includes eight 6-piece jigsaw puzzles. Children drag each puzzle piece to the correct position to form the entire picture. The… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 20, January 23, 2023. Topic: Future City National Competition… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 19, January 16, 2023. Topic: Kiruna Snow Festival… Leggi tutto…
Thema – winkelen Inleiding op het maken van een boodschappenlijstje. Kijk naar de foto en beschrijf wat je ziet: – aantal… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 18, January 9, 2023. Topic: Disney Animation Immersive Experience… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 17, January 2, 2023. Topic: National Western Stock Show… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 16, December 12, 2022. Topic: Remembering 2022… Leggi tutto…
AlphaCore NL voor Mind Express is vanaf nu beschikbaar met Berichtenset. Dit kant-en-klaar vocabulaire is speciaal ontworpen voor mensen met… Leggi tutto…
leespas, vuur in de pan. Luister naar het verhaal. Kan je de zinnen lezen? Schrijf ook zelf een goede zin. bevat printpagina met… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 15, December 5, 2022. Topic: Amsterdam Light Festival… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 14, November 28, 2022. Topic: ECHO Robot… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 13, November 21, 2022. Topic: National Dog Show… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 12, November 14, 2022. Topic: 2022 World Cup… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 11, November 7, 2022. Topic: Museum of Broadway… Leggi tutto…
In opdracht van ISAAC-nf zijn door ALOHA OC twee bladen gemaakt in ME5 waarmee het prentenboek “Maximiliaan Modderman geeft een… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 10, October 31, 2022. Topic: Native American Heritage Month… Leggi tutto…
Kijk en luister naar het verhaal van Tim op youtube. Wat doet Tim? Maak een goede zin. Kijk naar het voorbeeld en schrijf dezelfde zin. Kan… Leggi tutto…
In 2022 is het prentenboek ‘Maximiliaan Modderman’ het onderwerp van het interactieve voorleespakket van ISAAC-NF. Maximiliaan… Leggi tutto…
In 2022 is het prentenboek ‘Maximiliaan Modderman’ het onderwerp van het interactieve voorleespakket van ISAAC-NF. Maximiliaan Modderman… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 9, October 24, 2022. Topic: Toyota Dream Car USA Art Contest… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 8, October 17, 2022. Topic: Nemo’s Garden… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 7, October 10, 2022. Topic: Circleville Pumpkin Show… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 6, October 3, 2022. Topic: Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 5, September 26, 2022. Topic: Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta… Leggi tutto…
En celles handlings mønster. I denne eksempelfilen er det å vaske hender som er aktiviteten. Under tips kan du se hvordan du kan lage… Leggi tutto…
In deze memory werk je niet met identieke paren. Zo kan je een figuur met een bijhorend woordbeeld of twee verschillende figuren matchen…. Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 4, September 19, 2022. Topic: Fat Bear Week… Leggi tutto…
This activity includes an easy book about Queen Elizabeth II. Each page displays a large picture and a text box below it. Controls (read… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 3, September 12, 2022. Topic: National Women’s Hall of Fame… Leggi tutto…
Ken je het online document “Agenda” al? Dit kan je aanpassen naar wens. Je kan ook zelf vanaf 0 een eigen agenda bouwen in ME5… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 2, September 5, 2022. Topic: Hispanic Heritage Month… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 1, August 29, 2022. Topic: U.S. Air Force 75th Anniversary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 37, May 23, 2022. Topic: Queen’s Platinum Jubilee… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 36, May 16, 2022. Topic: Looking for lost species… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 35, May 9, 2022. Topic: Monster Jam World Finals… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 34, May 2, 2022. Topic: Legoland Korea Resort… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 33, April 25, 2022. Topic: Toms River Field of Dreams… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 32, April 18, 2022. Topic: The Bad Guys Movie… Leggi tutto…
Iedere dag gaan er heel veel kinderen met de taxi naar school en dat is niet niks… wat een ritueel, elke dag weer. Om de kinderen goed… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 31, April 11, 2022. Topic: Celebrating Earth Day… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 30, April 4, 2022. Topic: Yellowstone is 150 years old!… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 29, March 28, 2022. Topic: Disabled Hockey Festival… Leggi tutto…
Estes modelos prontos permitem que seus usuários criem facilmente livros simples e acessíveis. Cada livro é construído rapidamente: 1)… Leggi tutto…
Agrupe todas as suas histórias nesta biblioteca digital. Uma vez que suas figuras e mensagens de texto tenham sido adicionadas, o usuário… Leggi tutto…
Este modelo permite a criação de um Livro Fácil (EZ Book) de forma prática e rápida. Cada prancha do livro exibe uma imagem grande e… Leggi tutto…
O EZ Book é um conjunto de pranchas em forma de livro sobre borboletas e foi construído utilizando-se do EZ Book-Modelo. Cada página… Leggi tutto…
Este conjunto de pranchas inclui seis jogos que permitem aprender novas palavras e praticar o vocabulário, ortografia, reconhecimento de… Leggi tutto…
Este exercício apresenta 18 desafios pedindo para escolher a figura correta que se encaixa na sentença dada. Um bom exercício para… Leggi tutto…
Este exercício contém 10 tarefas onde cada imagem oferece 3 letras. O objetivo é construir a palavra que se encaixe na imagem… Leggi tutto…
Este exercício contém 18 tarefas. Em cada uma delas você verá uma coleção de figuras. Na coleção de figuras você deverá escolher… Leggi tutto…
Este exercício contém 10 tarefas e cada uma apresenta 3 palavras e 3 imagens. O objetivo é combinar cada palavra com sua figura. Desta… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 28, March 21, 2022. Topic: National Library Week… Leggi tutto…
SCORE is een symbolenwoordenschat die meegroeit met de gebruiker. Dankzij een vaste kernwoordenschat en een uit te breiden randwoordenschat… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 27, March 14, 2022. Topic: National Cherry Blossom Festival… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 26, March 7, 2022. Topic: Gateway: The Deep Space Launch Complex… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 25, February 28, 2022. Topic: The Iditarod Is 50 Years Old!… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 24, February 21, 2022. Topic: Harry Potter The Exhibition… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 23, February 14, 2022. Topic: Black History Month… Leggi tutto…
Maak kennis met de spelregels van yahtzee. Gooi 3x met de dobbelstenen en vul je dierenverblijven. Combineer verschillende dieren op het… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 22, February 7, 2022. Topic: 2022 Super Bowl… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 21, January 31, 2022. Topic: Wildlife Explorers Basecamp… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 20, January 24, 2022. Topic: 2022 Winter Olympics… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 19, January 17, 2022. Topic: Ice Castles… Leggi tutto…
Maak een eenvoudig zin met een onderwerp, een actie en een bepaling. Thema: beroepen. Geschikt voor OV1 en NT2. De pdf bevat de printversie… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 18, January 10, 2022. Topic: James Webb Space Telescope… Leggi tutto…
Een eenvoudige manier om uit een aantal boekjes van www.sprekendboek.nl te kiezen en door het boekje te bladeren. Je kunt uiteraard zelf… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 16, December 13, 2021. Topic: Remembering 2021… Leggi tutto…
Leer de structuur van een e-mail kennen. Zoek in de verschillende rubrieken waarover je wil schrijven. Vul aan met eigen boodschappen via… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 15, December 6, 2021. Topic: Operation Santa Paws… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 14, November 29, 2021. Topic: Holiday Train Show… Leggi tutto…
Lees deze info, alvorens van start te gaan! Heeft jouw (spraak-)computer met Mind Express 5 één of meer camera’s? Dan kan je… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 13, November 22, 2021. Topic: Encanto Movie… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 12, November 15, 2021. Topic: The ReefLine… Leggi tutto…
KeyVit Mini is a software keyboard to type in other applications, designed for switch users. Combine this file with the Mouse Control file… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 11, November 8, 2021. Topic: Glass City River Wall… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 10, November 1, 2021. Topic: New York City Marathon… Leggi tutto…
Ga je soms fietsen op de openbare weg? Dan moet je fiets helemaal in orde zijn. Controleer jouw fiets met deze checklist. educatieve… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 9, October 25, 2021. Topic: Smithsonian’s 175th Anniversary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 8, October 18, 2021. Topic: Rock and Roll Hall of Fame… Leggi tutto…
… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 7, October 11, 2021. Topic: Grand Egyptian Museum… Leggi tutto…
PODD apps er ekstra funktioner til dit PODD sidesæt. De er lavet så de passer til PODD 15, men kan naturligvis bruges sammen med alle PODD… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 6, October 4, 2021. Topic: Disney World’s 50th Anniversary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 5, September 27, 2021. Topic: Trailing of the Sheep Festival… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 3, September 13, 2021. Topic: Academy Museum of Motion Pictures… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 2, September 6, 2021. Topic: SpaceX Inspiration4 Mission… Leggi tutto…
Denne enkle boka om sommerfugler ble bygget ved hjelp av EZ Book Template. Hver side viser et stort bilde og en tekstboks under bildet…. Leggi tutto…
Denne malen lar deg lage en enkel bok. Hver side viser et stort bilde og en tekstboks under bildet. Teksten leses automatisk når siden… Leggi tutto…
Соберите все свои истории в этой цифровой библиотеке. После добавления… Leggi tutto…
Denne malen lar brukerne enkelt lage en enkel tilpasset bok. Boken er raskt bygget ved å 1) velge ferdige sider fra en rekke… Leggi tutto…
Dieses einfache Buch über Schmetterlinge wurde mit Hilfe der EZ Buchvorlage erstellt. Jede Seite zeigt ein großes Bild und ein… Leggi tutto…
Эта простая книга о бабочках была создана с использованием шаблона EZ Book… Leggi tutto…
Dette sidesettet inneholder seks ordspill for å lære nye ord og øve ordforrådsferdigheter som staving, bokstav- og… Leggi tutto…
Diese Plattform erlaubt es dir ein einfaches Buch zu erstellen. Jede Seite zeigt ein großes Bild und ein Textfenster unter dem Bild…. Leggi tutto…
Этот шаблон позволяет создать легкую книгу. На каждой странице отображается… Leggi tutto…
Diese Plattform erlaubt es dem*der Nutzer*in auf einfache Weise ein einfaches adaptiertes Buch zu erstellen. Das Buch kann schnell erstellt… Leggi tutto…
Этот шаблон позволяет пользователям создавать простые адаптированные… Leggi tutto…
Это упражнение содержит 18 заданий. В каждом задании представлен набор… Leggi tutto…
Это упражнение содержит 10 заданий. В каждом задании представлено 3 слова и 3… Leggi tutto…
Это упражнение содержит 18 заданий. В каждом упражнении прочитывается… Leggi tutto…
Ce set de pages comprend six jeux de mots pour apprendre des nouveaux mots et pratiquer les compétences au niveau du vocabulaire,… Leggi tutto…
This template allows users to easily create a simple adapted book. The book is quickly built by 1)selecting ready-made pages from a variety… Leggi tutto…
This example was built using the EZBook template. Each page contains a large cell, where images are displayed, and a text box placed below… Leggi tutto…
CommuniKate 20 is a socially focused page set designed for people who rely heavily on the environment or context in order to communicate… Leggi tutto…
This template allows you to easily create a simple adapted book. Each page contains a large cell where images are displayed and a text box… Leggi tutto…
This pageset includes six word games to learn new words and practice vocabulary skills such as spelling, letter and sound recognition,… Leggi tutto…
Sprog Link – Trin 1… Leggi tutto…
This exercise contains 10 assignments. With each image you get three letters. The goal is to build a word that fits the given picture. Put… Leggi tutto…
Sprog Link – Trin 2… Leggi tutto…
Met dit sjabloon kan je een eenvoudig boek maken. Elke pagina toont een grote afbeelding en een tekstvak onder de afbeelding. De tekst wordt… Leggi tutto…
This exercise contains 10 assignments. Each time you will see 3 words and 3 pictures each. The goal is to match each word image with the… Leggi tutto…
Et lille sidesæt som giver mulighed for at kommunikere om kroppen og smerter…. Leggi tutto…
Dit eenvoudige boek over vlinders is gemaakt met behulp van het EZ Boek Sjabloon. Elke pagina toont een grote afbeelding en een tekstvak… Leggi tutto…
Bundle all your stories in this digital library. Once your figures and text messages have been added, the user can read the books out loud… Leggi tutto…
Met dit sjabloon kunnen gebruikers gemakkelijk een eenvoudig aangepast boek maken. Het boek is snel opgebouwd door ten eerste kant-en-klare… Leggi tutto…
This exercise contains 18 assignments. You get to read a short sentence each time. Choose from the collection of pictures the one that fits… Leggi tutto…
Bundel al je verhalen in deze digitale bibliotheek. Eens je figuren en tekstboodschappen ingevoerd werden, kan de gebruiker de boeken zelf… Leggi tutto…
This exercise contains 18 assignments. You will always see a print. Choose from the collection of prints the one that matches the given… Leggi tutto…
Deze oefening telt 10 opgaven. Bij elke prent krijg je drie letters. Het doel is om een woord te bouwen dat past bij de opgegeven prent. Zet… Leggi tutto…
Deze oefening telt 10 opgaven. Je krijgt telkens 3 woorden en 3 prenten te zien. Het doel is om elk woordbeeld te matchen met de… Leggi tutto…
Deze oefening telt 18 opgaven. Je krijgt telkens een korte zin te lezen. Kies uit de verzameling aan prenten deze die past bij de opgegeven… Leggi tutto…
Meer info over de werking van en de aanpassingmogelijkheden voor dit document, kan je ook in deze instructievideo op het… Leggi tutto…
Deze paginaset bevat zes woordspelletjes om nieuwe woorden te leren en woordenschatvaardigheden te oefenen, zoals spelling, letter- en… Leggi tutto…
O EZ Book é um conjunto de pranchas em forma de livro sobre borboletas e foi construído utilizando-se do EZ Book-Modelo. Cada… Leggi tutto…
Este modelo permite a criação de um livro EZ Book de forma rápida. Cada prancha do livro exibe uma imagem grande e uma… Leggi tutto…
Este modelo permite aos usuários criar facilmente um livro simples e adaptado. O livro é construído rapidamente: 1)… Leggi tutto…
Este exercício contém 10 tarefas. Cada vez, você verá 3 palavras e 3 imagens cada uma. O objetivo é fazer… Leggi tutto…
Este exercício contém 18 tarefas. Em cada uma delas você verá uma coleção de figuras. Na… Leggi tutto…
Este exercício contém 18 tarefas. Em cada uma delas você verá uma coleção de figuras e uma frase… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 1. August 30, 2021. Topic: Saving the Great Barrier Reef… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 41, August 2021. Topic: State Fairs… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 40, July 2021. Topic: Amtrak Is 50 Years Old… Leggi tutto…
Dit is een letterkaart met woordvoorspelling en zinsvoorspelling…. Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 39, June 2021. Topic: Luca Movie… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 38, May 24 2021. Topic: Roots and Shoots Program… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 37, May 17 2021. Topic: Exploring the Titanic Shipwreck… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 36, May 10 2021. Topic: National Youth Poet Laureate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 35, May 3 2021. Topic: Video Game Hall of Fame… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 34, April 26 2021. Topic: Tulip Time Festival… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 33, April 19 2021. Topic: Removing Trash From Space… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 32, April 12 2021. Topic: Celebrating National Parks… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 31, April 5 2021. Topic: Special Ship… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 30, March 29 2021. Topic: WrestleMania… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 29, March 22 2021. Topic: LEGO VIDIYO app… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 28, March 8 2021. Topic: Super Nintendo World… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 27, March 8 2021. Topic: Gitanjali Rao’s New Book… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 26, March 1 2021. Topic: Women History Month… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper. Edition 25, February 22 2021. Topic: Monarch Migration… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper edition 24, February 15 2021. Topic: Black History Month Virtual Festival… Leggi tutto…
This is a guided writing activity to create simple Valentine cards…. Leggi tutto…
N2Y Activities. Newspaper edition 23, February 8 2021. Topic: Great Backyard Bird Count… Leggi tutto…
This is a version of Steps Before Step Scanning built for Mind Express 5. It includes the ability to create individual student launchers in… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, December 14, 2020, Volume XXIII, Edition 17. Topic: Harbin Ice and Snow Festival… Leggi tutto…
This is a guided writing activity to create greetings cards for the holiday season. The pageset includes numerous images that users can… Leggi tutto…
Let’s spread some holiday cheer with this simple matching activity. Use the pageset with mouse/direct touch, switches, or eye gaze…. Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, December 7, 2020, Volume XXIII, Edition 16. Topic: Soul Movie… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities Holiday Unit – Holiday 2020 – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities Holiday Unit – Holiday 2020 – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities Holiday Unit – Holiday 2020 – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities Holiday Unit – Holiday 2020 – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities Holiday Unit – Holiday 2020 – Transition… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities Holiday Unit – Holiday 2020 – Preschool… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, November 30, 2020, Volume XXIII, Edition 15. Topic: Geminid Meteor Shower… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, November 23, 2020, Volume XXIII, Edition 14. Topic: Charli D’Amelio’s New Book… Leggi tutto…
Dette gratis sæt med 40 aktiviteter engagerer og motiverer brugerne, når de opdager øjeninteraktion. Version 2 inkluderer… Leggi tutto…
Dette gratis settet med 40 aktiviteter engasjerer og motiverer brukerne når de oppdager øyeinteraksjon. Versjon 2 inkluderer… Leggi tutto…
Этот бесплатный набор из 40 занятий привлекает и мотивирует пользователей,… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, November 16, 2020, Volume XXIII, Edition 13. Topic: Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, November 9, 2020, Volume XXIII, Edition 12. Topic: New African American Music Museum… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, November 2, 2020, Volume XXIII, Edition 11. Topic: NASCAR Championship Race… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities November Unit – November 2020 – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities November Unit – November 2020 – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities November Unit – November 2020 – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities November Unit – November 2020 – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities November Unit – November 2020 – Transition… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities November Unit – November 2020 – Preschool… Leggi tutto…
In Mind Express 5 zitten heel wat kant-en-klare documenten. Deze kan je volledig personaliseren. Dit bestand toont alvast een aantal… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, October 26, 2020, Volume XXIII, Edition 10. Topic: 2020 Election Day… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, October 19, 2020, Volume XXIII, Edition 9. Topic: Huge Pumpkins Festival… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, October 12, 2020, Volume XXIII, Edition 8. Topic: Very Endangered Animals… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, October 5, 2020, Volume XXIII, Edition 7. Topic: Covid-19 Vaccine… Leggi tutto…
Als je blij en gelukkig bent, deel je makkelijk je glimlach. Maar wat als het wat minder gaat? Je hebt ruzie, je bent boos, er borrelt een… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities October Unit – October 2020 – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities October Unit – October 2020 – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities October Unit – October 2020 – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities October Unit – October 2020 – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities October Unit – October 2020 – Preschool… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities October Unit – October 2020 – Transition… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, September 28, 2020, Volume XXIII, Edition 6. Topic: Huge Krispy Kreme Doughnut Store… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, September 21, 2020, Volume XXIII, Edition 5. Topic: Hero Dog Awards… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, September 14, 2020, Volume XXIII, Edition 4. Topic: iHeartRadio Music Festival… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities September Unit – September 2020 – Transition… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities September Unit – September 2020 – Preschool… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities September Unit – September 2020 – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities September Unit – September 2020 – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities September Unit – September 2020 – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities September Unit – September 2020 – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, September 7, 2020, Volume XXIII, Edition 3. Topic: NFL is 100!… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, August 31 2020, Volume XXIII, Edition 2. Topic: The Kentucky Derby… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, August 2020, Volume XXII, Edition 41. Topic: School Year Decisions… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, July 2020, Volume XXII, Edition 40. Topic: Mulan Movie… Leggi tutto…
Ook dit jaar zetten we de samenwerking met de hogeschool VIVES verder. In het kader van haar maatschappelijk project ontwikkelde Fleur… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, June 2020, Volume XXII, Edition 39. Topic: The Ocean Cleanup… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities Summer Unit – Summer 2020 – Preschool… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities Summer Unit – Summer 2020 – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities Summer Unit – Summer 2020 – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities Summer Unit – Summer 2020 – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities Summer Unit – Summer 2020 – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities Summer Unit – Summer 2020 – Transition… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, May 25 2020, Volume XXII, Edition 38. Topic: 2020 Graduation Ceremonies… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, May 18 2020, Volume XXII, Edition 37. Topic: Amy Bockerstette’s Foundation… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, May 11 2020, Volume XXII, Edition 36. Topic: Growing Food at Home… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, May 4 2020, Volume XXII, Edition 35. Topic: Thanking Hospital Workers… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities May Unit – May 2020 – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities May Unit – May 2020 – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities May Unit – May 2020 – Preschool… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities May Unit – May 2020 – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities May Unit – May 2020 – Transition… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities May Unit – May 2020 – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, April 27 2020, Volume XXII, Edition 34. Topic: Irwin Family Helps Animals… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, April 20 2020, Volume XXII, Edition 33. Topic: Sharing Happiness… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, April 13 2020, Volume XXII, Edition 32. Topic: Greta Thunberg and Earth… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, April 6 2020, Volume XXII, Edition 31. Topic: Stress Awareness Month… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities April Unit – April 2020 – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities April Unit – April 2020 – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities April Unit – April 2020 – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities April Unit – April 2020 – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities April Unit – April 2020 – Preschool… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities April Unit – April 2020 – Transition… Leggi tutto…
This is a nice social story about Coronavirus. It uses simple language and cute illustrations to talk about Covid 19. The author, Manuela… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, March 30 2020, Volume XXII, Edition 30. Topic: Coronavirus… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, March 23 2020, Volume XXII, Edition 29. Topic: 2020 Census… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, March 2 2020, Volume XXII, Edition 27. Topic: Amazing Young Athletes… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, March 2 2020, Volume XXII, Edition 26. Topic: Women’s History Month… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities March Unit – March 2020 – Preschool… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities March Unit – March 2020 – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities March Unit – March 2020 – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities March Unit – March 2020 – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities March Unit – March 2020 – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities March Unit – March 2020 – Transition… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, February 24 2020, Volume XXII, Edition 25. Topic: Leap Year… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, February 17 2020, Volume XXII, Edition 24. Topic: Woman Astronaut Record… Leggi tutto…
Simple and fun activity to create Valentine’s Day cards for classmates, friends, and family. 1) Select one of the numerous emoji… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, February 10 2020, Volume XXII, Edition 23. Topic: Adaptive Sports Jam… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, February 3 2020, Volume XXII, Edition 22. Topic: Important Leaders… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities February Unit – February 2020 – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities February Unit – February 2020 – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities February Unit – February 2020 – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities February Unit – February 2020 – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities February Unit – February 2020 – Preschool… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities February Unit – February 2020 – Transition… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, January 27 2020, Volume XXII, Edition 21. Topic: Super Bowl… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, January 20 2020, Volume XXII, Edition 20. Topic: Voting Starts… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, January 13 2020, Volume XXII, Edition 19. Topic: BTS Band… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, January 6 2020, Volume XXII, Edition 18. Topic: Year of Plant Health… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (January Unit – January 2020) – Preschool… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (January Unit – January 2020) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (January Unit – January 2020) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (January Unit – January 2020) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (January Unit – January 2020) – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (January Unit – January 2020) – Transition… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, December 16 2019, Volume XXII, Edition 17. Topic: Remembering 2019… Leggi tutto…
Simple and fun activity to create holiday cards for friends and family. 1) Select one of the numerous images included in the activity 2)… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, December 9 2019, Volume XXII, Edition 16. Topic: New Star Wars Movie… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, December 2 2019, Volume XXII, Edition 15. Topic: Holiday Giving… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Holiday Unit 2019) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Holiday Unit 2019) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Holiday Unit 2019) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Holiday Unit 2019) – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Holiday Unit 2019) – Preschool… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Holiday Unit 2019) – Transition… Leggi tutto…
In this activity children design an original turkey by selecting elements from different cells. After completing the artwork, learners click… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, November 18 2019, Volume XXII, Edition 14. Topic: Macy’s Parade Marching Bands… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, November 18 2019, Volume XXII, Edition 13. Topic: Frozen 2 Movie… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, November 11 2019, Volume XXII, Edition 12. Topic: Podcasts for Kids… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, November 4 2019, Volume XXII, Edition 11. Topic: Sesame Street Birthday… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (November 2019) – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (November 2019) – Transition… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (November 2019) – Preschool… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (November 2019) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (November 2019) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (November 2019) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, October 28 2019, Volume XXII, Edition 10. Topic: Awesome Kids’ Museum… Leggi tutto…
In deze activiteit ontwerpen kinderen een originele pompoen voor Halloween door delen van een gezicht – of een volledig gezicht… Leggi tutto…
For Mind Express 4. A YouTube page-set with links to Halloween songs for children. The file includes directions to customize the links…. Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, October 21 2019, Volume XXII, Edition 9. Topic: Celebrating Dinosaurs… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, October 14 2019, Volume XXII, Edition 8. Topic: World Series… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, October 7 2019, Volume XXII, Edition 7. Topic: Fall Festivals… Leggi tutto…
Une solution de communication textuelle complète et entièrement gratuite : clavier, phrases adaptées, prédiction de mots, prédiction de… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (October 2019) – Preschool… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (October 2019) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (October 2019) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (October 2019) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (October 2019) – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (October 2019) – Transition… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, September 30 2019, Volume XXII, Edition 6. Topic: Fat Bear Week… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, September 23 2019, Volume XXII, Edition 5. Topic: Hurricanes… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, September 16 2019, Volume XXII, Edition 4. Topic: Wizards Unite… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (September 2019) – Preschool )… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (September 2019) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (September 2019) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (September 2019) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (September 2019) – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (September 2019) – Transition… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, September 9 2019, Volume XXII, Edition 3. Topic: Roald Dahl Day… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, September 2 2019, Volume XXII, Edition 2. Topic: Tidying Up… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, August 26 2019, Volume XXII, Edition 1. Topic: The Great British Baking Show… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, August 1 2019, Volume XXI, Edition 41. Topic: Tiny Homes… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, July 1 2019, Volume XXI, Edition 40. Topic: Landing On The Moon… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Summer 2019) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Summer 2019) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Summer 2019) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Summer 2019) – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Summer 2019) – Transition… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Summer 2019) – Preschool… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, June 1 2019, Volume XXI, Edition 39. Topic: Toy Story 4 Movie… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, May 20 2019, Volume XXI, Edition 38. Topic: Denver Chalk Art Festival… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, May 13 2019, Volume XXI, Edition 37. Topic: Endangered Animals… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, May 6 2019, Volume XXI, Edition 36. Topic: Mini Golf… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (May 2019) – Preschool… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (May 2019) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (May 2019) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (May 2019) – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (May 2019) – Transition… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (May 2019) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, April 29 2019, Volume XXI, Edition 35. Topic: Spring Dances… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, April 22 2019, Volume XXI, Edition 34. Topic: National Park Birthday… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, April 15 2019, Volume XXI, Edition 33. Topic: Awesome Frogs… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, April 8 2019, Volume XXI, Edition 32. Topic: Grilled Cheese Month… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (April 2019) – Preschool… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (April 2019) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (April 2019) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (April 2019) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (April 2019) – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (April 2019) – Transition… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, April 1 2019, Volume XXI, Edition 31. Topic: Our Planet… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, March 25 2019, Volume XXI, Edition 30. Topic: Fun Baseball Traditions… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, March 18 2019, Volume XXI, Edition 29. Topic: Smart Homes… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, March 11 2019, Volume XXI, Edition 28. Topic: Art in Schools… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (March 2019) – Preschool… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (March 2019) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (March 2019) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (March 2019) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (March 2019) – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (March 2019) – Transition… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, March 4 2019, Volume XXI, Edition 27. Topic: Amazing Women… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, February 25 2019, Volume XXI, Edition 26. Topic: Read Across America Day… Leggi tutto…
Dit bestand telt 4 pagina’s. Elke pagina is een communicatiekaart bij een leesboek. Print (printformaat reeds ingesteld) en knip de… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, February 18 2019, Volume XXI, Edition 25. Topic: How to Train Your Dragon 3… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, February 11 2019, Volume XXI, Edition 24. Topic: Esports… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, February 4 2019, Volume XXI, Edition 23. Topic: Famous Musicians… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (February 2019) – Preschool… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (February 2019) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (February 2019) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (February 2019) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (February 2019) – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (February 2019) – Transition… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, January 28 2019, Volume XXI, Edition 22. Topic: Super Bowl Sunday… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, January 21 2019, Volume XXI, Edition 21. Topic: Dinosaurs in Chicago!… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, January 14 2019, Volume XXI, Edition 20. Topic: Hobbies Are Fun!… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, January 7 2019, Volume XXI, Edition 19. Topic: Yoga For Exercise… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (January 2019) – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (January 2019) – Transition… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (January 2019) – Preschool… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (January 2019) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (January 2019) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (January 2019) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, December 17 2018, Volume XXI, Edition 18. Topic: Remembering 2018… Leggi tutto…
In deze activiteit selecteren kinderen lichaamsdelen en accessoires om een originele sneeuwman te maken. De laatste foto kan afgedrukt en… Leggi tutto…
Sentence writing activity based on winter holidays. Students use the vocabulary on the page to create numerous sentences. The text can be… Leggi tutto…
Easy sentence-writing activity to describe the color of a Christmas ornament. Auditory support is provided on each page. Words appear in… Leggi tutto…
Easy sentence-writing activity to describe the colors of Christmas ornaments. Auditory support is provided on each page. Words appear in… Leggi tutto…
In this activity, children select body parts and accessories to create an original snowman. The final picture can be printed and used to… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, December 10 2018, Volume XXI, Edition 17. Topic: Baking Cookies… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, December 3 2018, Volume XXI, Edition 16. Topic: Hour of Code… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Holiday 2018) – Preschool… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Holiday 2018) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Holiday 2018) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Holiday 2018) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Holiday 2018) – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Holiday 2018) – Transition… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, November 26 2018, Volume XXI, Edition 15. Topic: Operation Santa Paws… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, November 19 2018, Volume XXI, Edition 14. Topic: Thanksgiving Traditions… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, November 12 2018, Volume XXI, Edition 13. Topic: Ralph Breaks the Internet Movie… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, November 5 2018, Volume XXI, Edition 12. Topic: Pizza Pop-up Museum… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (November 2018) – Preschool… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (October 2018) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (November 2018) – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (November 2018) – Transition… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, October 29 2018, Volume XXI, Edition 11. Topic: Flu Season… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (November 2018) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (November 2018) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, October 22 2018, Volume XXI, Edition 10. Topic: National Trails… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, October 15 2018, Volume XXI, Edition 9. Topic: World Series… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, October 8 2018, Volume XXI, Edition 8. Topic: Octopus Day… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, October 1 2018, Volume XXI, Edition 7. Topic: Fall Pumpkins… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (October 2018) – Preschool… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (October 2018) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (October 2018) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (October 2018) – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (October 2018) – Transition… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, September, 24 2018, Volume XXI, Edition 6. Topic: Newspaper Week… Leggi tutto…
This free set of 40 activities engage and motivate the users as they discover eye interaction. Version 2 not only includes new animated… Leggi tutto…
Ce set de 40 activités engage et motive les utilisateurs tout en découvrant l’interaction possible avec la poursuite oculaire. La… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper. September, 10 2018, Volume XXI, Edition 4. Topic: Weather-Ready Nation… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (September 2018) – Preschool… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (September 2018) – Transition… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (September 2018) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (September 2018) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (September 2018) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (September 2018) – High School… Leggi tutto…
Alle speeldagen + mogelijkheid tot invullen scores en klassement… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, August 2018, Volume XX, Edition 41. Topic: Tell A Joke Day… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, July 2018, Volume XX, Edition 40. Topic: Ice Cream Month… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Summer 2018) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Summer 2018) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Summer 2018) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Summer 2018) – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Summer 2018) – Preschool… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Summer 2018) – Transition… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, June 2018, Volume XX, Edition 39. Topic: Camping… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, 21 May 2018, Volume XX, Edition 38. Topic: New Roller Coasters… Leggi tutto…
This activity demonstrates multiple ways to animate a cell in Mind Express. You can use it to experiment and learn more about making cells… Leggi tutto…
Dit bestand toont u meerdere manieren om een vakje in Mind Express te animeren. Het laat u toe te experimenteren en meer te weten te komen… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, 14 May 2018, Volume XX, Edition 37. Topic: Royal Wedding… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, 7 May 2018, Volume XX, Edition 36. Topic: Baby Zoo Animals… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (May 2018) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (May 2018) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (May 2018) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (May 2018) – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (May 2018) – Preschool… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (May 2018) – Transition… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, 30 April 2018, Volume XX, Edition 35. Topic: Zero Waste… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, 23 April 2018, Volume XX, Edition 34. Topic: Dolphins Movie… Leggi tutto…
Pour apprendre à exprimer les émotions et à reconnaître le picto correspondant…. Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, 16 April 2018, Volume XX, Edition 33. Topic: Junior Rangers **NEW: Word Problems Activity included in the… Leggi tutto…
Sentence building wizard. Just type a list of sentences and select settings to differentiate and meet the needs of your learners. Watch a… Leggi tutto…
Jeux pédagogiques, exerçant le vocabulaire, l’orthographe, la conscience alphabétique, et plus encore, à… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, 9 April 2018, Volume XX, Edition 32. Topic: Spring in the U.S…. Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, 2 April 2018, Volume XX, Edition 31. Topic: National Poetry Month… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (April 2018) – Preschool… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (April 2018) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (April 2018) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (April 2018) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (April 2018) – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (April 2018) – Transition… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, 26 March 2018, Volume XX, Edition 30. Topic: King Tut Exhibit… Leggi tutto…
Leesoefening waarbij iedere letter beluisterd wordt, met meerkeuze uit drie afbeeldingen… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, 19 March 2018, Volume XX, Edition 29. Topic: Car Vending Machines…. Leggi tutto…
A simple activity to help children recognizing their names. Learner’s name and distractors can be customized in the setup page. A… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, 12 March 2018, Volume XX, Edition 28… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, 5 March 2018, Volume XX, Edition 27… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (March 2018) – Transition… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (March 2018) – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (March 2018) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (March 2018) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (March 2018) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (March 2018) – Preschool… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, 25 Feb 2018, Volume XX, Edition 26… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, 19 Feb 2018, Volume XX, Edition 25… Leggi tutto…
Learn about Presidents’ Day and two of our greatest leaders with this set of resources to review vocabulary and build communication… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Feb 12 2018, Volume XX, Edition 24… Leggi tutto…
Script om de volgordes bij een bakproces aan te leren. Start met pakken van de spullen, daarna stap voor stap uitvoeren…. Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Feb 5 2018, Volume XX, Edition 23… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Jan 29 2018, Volume XX, Edition 22… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Feb 2018) – Transition… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Feb 2018) – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Feb 2018) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Feb 2018) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Feb 2018) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Feb 2018) – Preschool… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Jan 22 2018, Volume XX, Edition 21… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Jan 15 2018, Volume XX, Edition 20… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Jan 8 2018, Volume XX, Edition 19… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Jan 2018) – Transition… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Jan 2018) – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Jan 2018) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Jan 2018) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Jan 2018) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Jan 2018) – Preschool… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Jan 1 2018, Volume XX, Edition 18… Leggi tutto…
Errorless activity that students can use to type a letter to Santa…. Leggi tutto…
This activity presents a set of actions that Santa does to get ready for Christmas. After viewing each animation, students describe the… Leggi tutto…
This activity presents a set of actions that Santa does to get ready for Christmas. After viewing this file, students can do the companion… Leggi tutto…
Aider le Père Noël à retrouver toutes ses affaires avant de partir en tournée : pour cela, cliquer à chaque… Leggi tutto…
Pour chaque Minion, retrouver son jumeau parmi d’autres images…. Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Dec 11 2017, Volume XX, Edition 17… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Dec 2017) – Transition… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Dec 2017) – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Dec 2017) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Dec 2017) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Dec 2017) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Dec 2017) – Preschool… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Nov 27 2017, Volume XX, Edition 15… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Nov 20 2017, Volume XX, Edition 14… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Nov 13 2017, Volume XX, Edition 13… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Nov 6 2017, Volume XX, Edition 12… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Oct 30 2017, Volume XX, Edition 11… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Nov 2017) – Transition… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Nov 2017) – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Nov 2017) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Nov 2017) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Nov 2017) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Nov 2017) – Preschool… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Oct 232017, Volume XX, Edition 10… Leggi tutto…
Get ready for Halloween with this set of activities to support literacy, communication, and math skills. Ghosts, monsters, sound effects and… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Oct 16, 2017, Volume XX, Edition 9… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Oct 9, 2017, Volume XX, Edition 8… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Oct 2, 2017, Volume XX, Edition 7… Leggi tutto…
Aider la sorcière à fabriquer un monstre : pour cela, cliquer à chaque page sur l’étiquette pour… Leggi tutto…
Retrouver l’ombre de chaque maison…. Leggi tutto…
Retrouver l’ombre de chaque papillon…. Leggi tutto…
Pour chaque Lapin, retrouver son jumeau parmi d’autres Crétins. Adaptation du jeu proposé par Pascale Gracia pour un… Leggi tutto…
Adaptation du jeu familial ‘Qwirkle’, idéal pour travailler le raisonnement logique (classification/sériation) mais aussi la… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Oct 2017) – Transition… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Oct 2017) – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Oct 2017) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Oct 2017) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Oct 2017) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Oct 2017) – Preschool… Leggi tutto…
Een paginaset behorend bij het ISAAC-NF interactieve voorleespakket van 2017, waarin het boek ‘Ssst de Tijger slaapt’ in de… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Sept 25, 2017, Volume XX, Edition 6… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Sept 18, 2017, Volume XX, Edition 5… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Sept 11, 2017, Volume XX, Edition 4… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Sept 4, 2017, Volume XX, Edition 3… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Aug, 2017, Volume XX, Edition 2… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Sept 2017) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Sept 2017) – Preschool… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Aug, 2017, Volume XX, Edition 1… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Sept 2017) – Transition… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Sept 2017) – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Sept 2017) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Sept 2017) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
Adaptation du jeu de chez OrthoEdition ‘Où est la souris’ permettant de travailler les notions topologiques…. Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Aug, 2017, Volume XIX, Edition 41… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, July, 2017, Volume XIX, Edition 40… Leggi tutto…
Adaptation du jeu ‘Eurêkanimô’ de chez OrthoEdition, qui permet de travailler la compréhension orale/écrite de consignes…. Leggi tutto…
Set of color coded keyboards with different layouts for children and individuals who need visual support…. Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, June, 2017, Volume XIX, Edition 39… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Summer 2017) – Transition… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Summer 2017) – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Summer 2017) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Summer 2017) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Summer 2017) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Summer 2017) – Preschool… Leggi tutto…
Adaptation du jeu Sensolec des Editions du Grand Cerf (nécessité d’avoir le jeu pour y jouer:… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, May 22, 2017, Volume XIX, Edition 38… Leggi tutto…
A NOTER: IL EST INDISPENSABLE D’AVOIR LE JEU ORIGINAL POUR POUVOIR JOUER! Voici une première proposition d’adaptation du… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, May 15, 2017, Volume XIX, Edition 37… Leggi tutto…
Adaptation du jeu ‘Qui est-il?’ de l’atelier de l’oiseau magique, pour travailler la communication, la construction… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, May 8, 2017, Volume XIX, Edition 36… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (May 2017) – Transition… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (May 2017) – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (May 2017) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (May 2017) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (May 2017) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (May 2017) – Preschool… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, May 3, 2017, Volume XIX, Edition 35… Leggi tutto…
A NOTER: IL EST INDISPENSABLE D’AVOIR LE JEU ORIGINAL POUR POUVOIR JOUER! Pour consulter la règle adaptée du jeu, rdv à :… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, April 24, 2017, Volume XIX, Edition 34… Leggi tutto…
Adaptation du jeu Mixamatou de Djeco, ici le premier niveau de complexité: il s’agit de construire ses phrases en cliquant sur un… Leggi tutto…
Adaptation du jeu Mixamatou de Djeco, ici le deuxième niveau de complexité: il s’agit de construire ses phrases en pictogrammes afin… Leggi tutto…
Adaptation du jeu Mixamatou de Djeco, ici le deuxième niveau de complexité: il s’agit de construire ses phrases en mots afin de… Leggi tutto…
Ceci est une adaptation du jeu RapidCroco de Coctail Games qui permet à l’utilisateur de jouer en famille ou entre amis. Le but est… Leggi tutto…
Ceci est une adaptation du jeu RapidCroco de Coctail Games qui permet de jouer en famille ou entre amis. Le but du jeu est de cacher le… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, April 17, 2017, Volume XIX, Edition 33… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, April 10, 2017, Volume XIX, Edition 32… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, April 3, 2017, Volume XIX, Edition 31… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (April 2017) – Transition… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (April 2017) – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (April 2017) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (April 2017) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (April 2017) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (April 2017) – Preschool… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, March 27, 2017, Volume XIX, Edition 30… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, March 20, 2017, Volume XIX, Edition 29… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, March 13, 2017, Volume XIX, Edition 28… Leggi tutto…
puzzle 6 pièces… Leggi tutto…
mémory 6 cartes… Leggi tutto…
Jeux des couleurs simple avec que 3 choix…. Leggi tutto…
Jeu de reconnaissance. On appuie sur l’oreille pour entendre le bruit et on clique sur l’image correspondant à ce son…. Leggi tutto…
Jeu de dominos sur les moyens de transport…. Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, March 6, 2017, Volume XIX, Edition 27… Leggi tutto…
Lecture page par page : L’histoire de Méline et Meï le petit dragon le soir de Noël…. Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (March 2017) – Transition… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (March 2017) – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (March 2017) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (March 2017) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (March 2017) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (March 2017) – Preschool… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Feb 27, 2017, Volume XIX, Edition 26… Leggi tutto…
Aide Jerry à aller chercher son fromage en le faisant avancer pas à pas…. Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Feb 20, 2017, Volume XIX, Edition 25… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Feb 13, 2017, Volume XIX, Edition 24… Leggi tutto…
Learn all about Cupid with this set of Valentine’s Day activities: Matching game, Sudoku, WordSearch and much more activities to build… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Feb 6, 2017, Volume XIX, Edition 23… Leggi tutto…
De computer zegt een cijfer dat de leerling vervolgens moet aanwijzen…. Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Jan 30, 2017, Volume XIX, Edition 22… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Feb 2017) – Transition… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Feb 2017) – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Feb 2017) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Feb 2017) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Feb 2017) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Feb 2017) – Preschool… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Jan 23, 2017, Volume XIX, Edition 21… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Jan 16, 2017, Volume XIX, Edition 20… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Jan 9, 2017, Volume XIX, Edition 19… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Jan 4, 2017, Volume XIX, Edition 18… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Jan 2017) – Preschool… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Jan 2017) – Transition… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Jan 2017) – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Jan 2017) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Jan 2017) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Jan 2017) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Dec 12, 2016, Volume XIX, Edition 17… Leggi tutto…
Lezen: samengestelde woorden met sneeuw. – klik op de grote sneeuwbal rechts op het scherm om het volgende samengestelde woord te… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Dec 5, 2016, Volume XIX, Edition 16… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Dec 2016) – Transition… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Dec 2016) – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Dec 2016) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Dec 2016) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Dec 2016) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Dec 2016) – Preschool… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Nov 28, 2016, Volume XIX, Edition 15… Leggi tutto…
Zoek de woorden in het rooster. Wil je anderen woorden? Vul die dan in op de laatste pagina…. Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Nov 21, 2016, Volume XIX, Edition 14… Leggi tutto…
Raad het juiste woord…. Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Nov 14, 2016, Volume XIX, Edition 13… Leggi tutto…
Wat past bij ‘de winter’ + woordenschat inoefenen…. Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Nov 7, 2016, Volume XIX, Edition 12… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Oct 31, 2016, Volume XIX, Edition 11… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Nov 2016) – Transition… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Nov 2016) – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Nov 2016) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Nov 2016) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Nov 2016) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Nov 2016) – Preschool… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Oct 24, 2016, Volume XIX, Edition 10… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Oct 17, 2016, Volume XIX, Edition 9… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Oct 10, 2016, Volume XIX, Edition 8… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Oct 3, 2016, Volume XIX, Edition 7…. Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Oct 2016) – Transition… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Oct 2016) – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Oct 2016) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Oct 2016) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Oct 2016) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Oct 2016) – Preschool… Leggi tutto…
This simple activity can be used to allow students to vote for president. First, learners will meet both presidential candidates. Then, they… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Sept 26, 2016, Volume XIX, Edition 6…. Leggi tutto…
Rekenmachine die een getal omzet naar briefjes & munten; en een rekenmachine die een aantal briefjes & munten omzet naar een getal… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Sept 19, 2016, Volume XIX, Edition 5 …. Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Sept 12, 2016, Volume XIX, Edition 4 …. Leggi tutto…
The 2016 Paralympic Games just started. The activities in the set will provide information about this international multi-sport event and… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Sept 5, 2016, Volume XIX, Edition 3 . >>> To use this file you will need Mind Express Version… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Sept 2016) – Preschool… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Sept 2016) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Sept 2016) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Sept 2016) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Sept 2016) – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Sept 2016) – Transition… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, August 29, 2016, Volume XIX, Edition 2 . >>> To use this file you will need Mind Express Version… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, August 22, 2016, Volume XIX, Edition 1 . >>> To use this file you will need Mind Express Version… Leggi tutto…
Summer Olympics are here. This set of activities will provide information about the sport events and allow students to practice topic… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Summer, 2016, Volume XVIII, Edition 41 . >>> To use this file you will need Mind Express Version… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, June 30, 2016, Volume XVIII, Edition 40 . >>> To use this file you will need Mind Express Version… Leggi tutto…
File for controlling Amazon Kindle Reader for PC program. This must be installed onto you PC…. Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, May 30, 2016, Volume XVIII, Edition 39. >>> To use this file you will need Mind Express Version… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Summer 2016) – Transition… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Summer 2016) – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Summer 2016) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Summer 2016) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Summer 2016) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Summer 2016) – Preschool… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, May 23, 2016, Volume XVIII, Edition 38. >>> To use this file you will need Mind Express Version… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, May 16, 2016, Volume XVIII, Edition 37. >>> To use this file you will need Mind Express Version… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, May 9, 2016, Volume XVIII, Edition 36. >>> To use this file you will need Mind Express Version… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, May 2, 2016, Volume XVIII, Edition 35. >>> To use this file you will need Mind Express Version… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (May 2016) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (May 2016) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (May 2016) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (May 2016) – Preschool… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (May 2016) – Transition… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (May 2016) – High School… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, April 25, 2016, Volume XVIII, Edition 34. >>> To use this file you will need Mind Express Version… Leggi tutto…
Set of activities to celebrate Earth Day…. Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, April 18, 2016, Volume XVIII, Edition 33. >>> To use this file you will need Mind Express Version… Leggi tutto…
Berekening van onze cijfers naar Romeinse cijfers en omgekeerd…. Leggi tutto…
Activity to color a butterfly, choose a pattern and print the drawing. This activity gives students the ability to express their creativity…. Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, April 11, 2016, Volume XVIII, Edition 32. >>> To use this file you will need Mind Express Version… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (April 2016) – Transition… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (April 2016) – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (April 2016) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (April 2016) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (April 2016) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (April 2016) – Preschool… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, April 4, 2016, Volume XVIII, Edition 31. >>> To use this file you will need Mind Express Version… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, March 28, 2016, Volume XVIII, Edition 30. >>> To use this file you will need Mind Express Version… Leggi tutto…
Matching game with different levels (4×2, 4×4 and 4×6). Find the matching pairs…. Leggi tutto…
In this activity students will practice color and number recognition. On each page they will color the squares following a color key. At the… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, March 21, 2016, Volume XVIII, Edition 29. >>> To use this file you will need Mind Express Version… Leggi tutto…
Easy activity to create an original greeting card for Easter. First, students color and decorate an Easter egg. Then, they select a message… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, March 14, 2016, Volume XVIII, Edition 28. >>> To use this file you will need Mind Express Version… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, March 7, 2016, Volume XVIII, Edition 27. >>> To use this file you will need Mind Express Version… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Feb 29, 2016, Volume XVIII, Edition 26. >>> To use this file you will need Mind Express Version… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (March 2016) – Transition… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (March 2016) – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (March 2016) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (March 2016) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (March 2016) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (March 2016) – Preschool… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Feb 22, 2016, Volume XVIII, Edition 25. >>> To use this file you will need Mind Express Version… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Feb 15, 2016, Volume XVIII, Edition 24. >>> To use this file you will need Mind Express Version… Leggi tutto…
This activity generates random addition problems (with or without carrying) with one or two digit numbers arranged in a vertical form. The… Leggi tutto…
This activity generates random subtraction problems (with or without borrowing) with one or two digit numbers arranged in a vertical form…. Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Feb 8, 2016, Volume XVIII, Edition 23. >>> To use this file you will need Mind Express Version… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Feb 1, 2016, Volume XVIII, Edition 22. >>> To use this file you will need Mind Express Version… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Feb 2016) – Transition… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Feb 2016) – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Feb 2016) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Feb 2016) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Feb 2016) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Feb 2016) – Preschool… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Jan 25, 2016, Volume XVIII, Edition 21. >>> To use this file you will need Mind Express Version… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Jan 18, 2016, Volume XVIII, Edition 20. >>> To use this file you will need Mind Express Version… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Jan 11, 2016, Volume XVIII, Edition 19. >>> To use this file you will need Mind Express Version… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Jan 4, 2016, Volume XVIII, Edition 18. >>> To use this file you will need Mind Express Version… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Jan 2016) – Transition… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Jan 2016) – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Jan 2016) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Jan 2016) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Jan 2016) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Jan 2016) – Preschool… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Dec 14, 2015, Volume XVIII, Edition 17. >>> To use this file you will need Mind Express Version… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Dec 7, 2015, Volume XVIII, Edition 16. >>> To use this file you will need Mind Express Version… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Nov 30, 2015, Volume XVIII, Edition 15. >>> To use this file you will need Mind Express Version… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Dec 2015) – Transition… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Dec 2015) – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Dec 2015) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Dec 2015) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Dec 2015) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Dec 2015) – Preschool… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Nov 23, 2015, Volume XVIII, Edition 14. >>> To use this file you will need Mind Express Version… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Nov 16, 2015, Volume XVIII, Edition 13. >>> To use this file you will need Mind Express Version… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Nov 9, 2015, Volume XVIII, Edition 12. >>> To use this file you will need Mind Express Version… Leggi tutto…
Classer des images dans l’ordre chronologique…. Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Nov 2, 2015, Volume XVIII, Edition 11. >>> To use this file you will need Mind Express Version… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Nov 2015) – Transition… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Nov 2015) – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Nov 2015) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Nov 2015) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Nov 2015) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Nov 2015) – Preschool… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Oct 26, 2015, Volume XVIII, Edition 10. >>> To use this file you will need Mind Express Version… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Oct 19, 2015, Volume XVIII, Edition 9. >>> To use this file you will need Mind Express Version… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Oct 15, 2015, Volume XVIII, Edition 8. >>> To use this file you will need Mind Express Version… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Oct 5, 2015, Volume XVIII, Edition 7. >>> To use this file you will need Mind Express Version… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Oct 2015) – Transition… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Oct 2015) – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Oct 2015) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Oct 2015) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Oct 2015) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Oct 2015) – Preschool… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Sept 28, 2015, Volume XVIII, Edition 6. >>> To use this file you will need Mind Express Version… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Sept 21, 2015, Volume XVIII, Edition 5. >>> To use this file you will need Mind Express Version… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Sept 2015) – Transition… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Sept 2015) – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Sept 2015) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Sept 2015) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Sept 2015) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Sept 2015) – Preschool… Leggi tutto…
Situatieprent en prenten benoemen… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Sept 14, 2015, Volume XVIII, Edition 4. >>> To use this file you will need Mind Express Version… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Sept 7, 2015, Volume XVIII, Edition 3. >>> To use this file you will need Mind Express Version… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, August 24, 2015, Volume XVIII, Edition 1. >>> To use this file you will need Mind Express Version… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, August 31, 2015, Volume XVIII, Edition 2. >>> To use this file you will need Mind Express Version… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, August, 2015, Volume XVII, Edition 41… Leggi tutto…
Toggle between the Standard Calculator, Scientific Calculator and the Statistic Calculator…. Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, June 29, 2015, Volume XVII, Edition 40… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, May 25, 2015, Volume XVII, Edition 38… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, June 1, 2015, Volume XVII, Edition 39… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Summer 2015) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Summer 2015) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Summer 2015) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Summer 2015) – High School… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, May 18, 2015, Volume XVII, Edition 37… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, May 11, 2015, Volume XVII, Edition 36… Leggi tutto…
dynamische lijst over voedsel, sterk vereenvoudigd… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, May 4, 2015, Volume XVII, Edition 35… Leggi tutto…
dier + jong (met geluid)… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (May 2015) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (May 2015) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (May 2015) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (May 2015) – High School… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, April 27, 2015, Volume XVII, Edition 34… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, April 20, 2015, Volume XVII, Edition 33… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, April 13, 2015, Volume XVII, Edition 32… Leggi tutto…
Le but de l’exercice est de regarder la forme de la fleur puis la couleur pour trouver la fleur colorée qui correspond… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, April 6, 2015, Volume XVII, Edition 31… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (April 2015) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (April 2015) – High School… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, March 30, 2015, Volume XVII, Edition 30… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (April 2015) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (April 2015) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
Retrouver un personnage selon la description. Il faut prendre 3 critères en compte…. Leggi tutto…
Construire des phrases. Une photo (choix aléatoire) est proposée et l’enfant doit faire une phrase à l’aide… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, March 23, 2015, Volume XVII, Edition 29… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, March 16, 2015, Volume XVII, Edition 28… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, March 9, 2015, Volume XVII, Edition 27… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, March 2, 2015, Volume XVII, Edition 26… Leggi tutto…
Voor het thema carnaval maakte ik een logische reeks waarbij een kindje zich klaarmaakt voor het carnaval…. Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (March 2015) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (March 2015) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (March 2015) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (March 2015) – High School… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, February 23, 2015, Volume XVII, Edition 25… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, February 16, 2015, Volume XVII, Edition 24… Leggi tutto…
Welk weer is het vandaag? Neem de weerkaart erbij en noteer de temperatuur, de bewolking en de neerslag. Vertel ook iets over de wind. Deze… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, February 9, 2015, Volume XVII, Edition 23… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Feb 2015) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Feb 2015) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Feb 2015) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Feb 2015) – High School… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, February 2, 2015, Volume XVII, Edition 22… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, January 23, 2015, Volume XVII, Edition 21… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, January 19, 2015, Volume XVII, Edition 20… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, January 12, 2015, Volume XVII, Edition 19… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, January 5, 2015, Volume XVII, Edition 18… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Jan 2015) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Jan 2015) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Jan 2015) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Jan 2015) – High School… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, December 15, 2014, Volume XVII, Edition 17… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, December 8, 2014, Volume XVII, Edition 16… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, December 1, 2014, Volume XVII, Edition 15… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Dec 2014) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Dec 2014) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Dec 2014) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Dec 2014) – High School… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, November 24, 2014, Volume XVII, Edition 14… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, November 10, 2014, Volume XVII, Edition 13… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, November 10, 2014, Volume XVII, Edition 12… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, November 3, 2014, Volume XVII, Edition 11… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Nov 2014) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Nov 2014) – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Nov 2014) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Nov 2014) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, October 27, 2014, Volume XVII, Edition 10… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, October 20, 2014, Volume XVII, Edition 9… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, October 13, 2014, Volume XVII, Edition 8… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, October 6, 2014, Volume XVII, Edition 7… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, September 29, 2014, Volume XVII, Edition 6… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Oct 2014) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Oct 2014) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Oct 2014) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Oct 2014) – High School… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, September 22, 2014, Volume XVII, Edition 5… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, September 15, 2014, Volume XVII, Edition 4… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, September 8, 2014, Volume XVII, Edition 3… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, August 25, 2014, Volume XVII, Edition 2… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, August 25, 2014, Volume XVI, Edition 42… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Sept 2014) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Sept 2014) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Sept 2014) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Sept 2014) – High School… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, August 4, 2014, Volume XVI, Edition 41… Leggi tutto…
prendre en compte 3 vêtements de 4 couleurs différentes pour trouver Max… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, June 30, 2014, Volume XVI, Edition 40… Leggi tutto…
Jeux dans lequel il faut associer un picto à un mot. La personne a le choix entre 3 mots. Les graphèmes utilisés sont… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Summer 2014) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Summer 2014) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Summer 2014) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Summer 2014) – High School… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, June 2, 2014, Volume XVI, Edition 39… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, May 26, 2014, Volume XVI, Edition 38… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, May 19, 2014, Volume XVI, Edition 37… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, May 12, 2014, Volume XVI, Edition 36… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, May 5, 2014, Volume XVI, Edition 35… Leggi tutto…
Van wie is deze hoed?… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (May 2014) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (May 2014) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (May 2014) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (May 2014) – High School… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, April 28, 2014, Volume XVI, Edition 34… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, April 21, 2014, Volume XVI, Edition 33… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, April 14, 2014, Volume XVI, Edition 32… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, April 7, 2014, Volume XVI, Edition 31… Leggi tutto…
jeu de cuisine. suivre les consignes pour réaliser une recette…. Leggi tutto…
logique. prendre en compte la forme et la couleur demandées…. Leggi tutto…
labyrinthe… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, March 31, 2014, Volume XVI, Edition 30… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, March 24, 2014, Volume XVI, Edition 29… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (April 2014) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (April 2014) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (April 2014) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (April 2014) – High School… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, March 17, 2014, Volume XVI, Edition 28… Leggi tutto…
C’est un tableau en liste dynamique qui permet à l’enfant de pouvoir créer des phrases correctes en suivant un… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, March 10, 2014, Volume XVI, Edition 27… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, March 3, 2014, Volume XVI, Edition 26… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (March 2014) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (March 2014) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (March 2014) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (March 2014) – High School… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Feb 24, 2014, Volume XVI, Edition 25… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Feb 17, 2014, Volume XVI, Edition 24… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Feb 10, 2014, Volume XVI, Edition 23… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Feb 3, 2014, Volume XVI, Edition 22… Leggi tutto…
Déplacer le clown à l’aide des flèches se trouvant à l’écran…. Leggi tutto…
Aider le chien à rejoindre sa niche. Il laisse ses empreintes sur le chemin pour montrer sa progression. Utiliser les flèches… Leggi tutto…
Retrouver l’ombre de chaque forme…. Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Jan 27, 2014, Volume XVI, Edition 21… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (February 2014) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (February 2014) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (February 2014) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (February 2014) – High School… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Jan 20, 2014, Volume XVI, Edition 20… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Jan 13, 2014, Volume XVI, Edition 19… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (January 2014) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (January 2014) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (January 2014) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (January 2014) – High School… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Jan 6, 2014, Volume XVI, Edition 18… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Dec 16, 2013, Volume XVI, Edition 17… Leggi tutto…
Wat hoort allemaal bij de Kerstboom?… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Dec 9, 2013, Volume XVI, Edition 16… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Dec 2, 2013, Volume XVI, Edition 15… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Holiday Unit – December 2013) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Holiday Unit – December 2013) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Holiday Unit – December 2013) – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Holiday Unit – December 2013) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Nov 25, 2013, Volume XVI, Edition 14… Leggi tutto…
Decide the topic of your game and prepare a list of questions. Divide your class into two teams. Assign a symbol to each team and flip a… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Nov 18, 2013, Volume XVI, Edition 13… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Nov 11, 2013, Volume XVI, Edition 12… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Nov 4, 2013, Volume XVI, Edition 11… Leggi tutto…
Les repères de temps: apprendre à ordonner les différents moments de la journée…. Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Oct 28, 2013, Volume XVI, Edition 10… Leggi tutto…
Apparier les minions en les glissant… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Oct 21, 2013, Volume XVI, Edition 9… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (November 2013) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (November 2013) – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (November 2013) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (November 2013) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Oct 14, 2013, Volume XVI, Edition 8… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Oct 7, 2013, Volume XVI, Edition 7… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Sept 30, 2013, Volume XVI, Edition 6… Leggi tutto…
This file is used in the Tutorial: Making a Quiz with Random Answers. See the HOW TO tutorials to complete this file. To see the result:… Leggi tutto…
Quiz with random answers using dynamic lists: matching picture to picture…. Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (October 2013) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (October 2013) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (October 2013) – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (October 2013) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Sept 23, 2013, Volume XVI, Edition 5… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Sept 16, 2013, Volume XVI, Edition 4… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Sept 9, 2013, Volume XVI, Edition 3… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, Sept 2, 2013, Volume XVI, Edition 2… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, August 26, 2013, Volume XVI, Edition 1… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (September 2013) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (September 2013) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (September 2013) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (September 2013) – High School… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, August 2013, Volume XV, Edition 41… Leggi tutto…
Une image (ainsi que le mot écrit) d’un vêtement et il faut retrouver le même parmi plusieurs autres vignettes…. Leggi tutto…
Apprendre les parties du corps (images + écriture majuscules)puis jeu d’association entre le mot écrit (majuscules) et… Leggi tutto…
Ecriture des fruits (majuscules) avec un clavier AZERTY…. Leggi tutto…
Associer le mot écrit (majuscule)à l’image demandée. 4 mots : Couteau, Fourchette, Assiette, Guitare…. Leggi tutto…
Jeu récupéré lors d’une formation chez Jabbla, le voici terminé. C’est un tableau double… Leggi tutto…
Vertrekkende van een dorpsplein met een huis, een winkel, een school, een ziekenhuis, een station, een sportclub en een park kan worden… Leggi tutto…
Oefeningen op de seizoenen, klok, alfabet, spelling, coördinaten, kleuren, Olympische spelen, tafels 1 tot 5, tellen, munten, beroepen,… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, July 2013, Volume XV, Edition 40… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, June 3, 2013, Volume XV, Edition 39… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Summer 2013) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Summer 2013) – High School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Summer 2013) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (Summer 2013) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, May 27, 2013, Volume XV, Edition 38… Leggi tutto…
Sample file (drag & drop) using the Page compare function. You need version or higher…. Leggi tutto…
Sample file using the Page compare function. Click when you are ready to see if picked the correct objects. You need version or… Leggi tutto…
Schuifoefening waarbij we gebruik maken van de functie om pagina’s te vergelijken. Zo kan je controleren of de oefening correct is…. Leggi tutto…
Oefening waarbij we gebruik maken van de functie om pagina’s te vergelijken. Zo kan je controleren of de oefening correct is. Hiervoor… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, May 20, 2013, Volume XV, Edition 37… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, May 13, 2013, Volume XV, Edition 36… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, May 6, 2013, Volume XV, Edition 35… Leggi tutto…
Un exercice pour travailler la notion d’argent avec les jeunes ou adultes en situation de handicap mental ( utilisation du… Leggi tutto…
Un tableau de communication pour se présenter. Pour le personnaliser, modifier les différents éléments…. Leggi tutto…
Un exercice de discrimination visuelle. Regarder précisément les lapins crétins et les glisser sous l’image identique…. Leggi tutto…
Un exercice pour apprendre à utiliser les tableaux double entrée. (l’éditeur ME a été… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (May 2013) – Elementary… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (May 2013) – Intermediate… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (May 2013) – Middle School… Leggi tutto…
N2Y Unique Curriculum activities (May 2013) – High School… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, April 29, 2013, Volume XV, Edition 34… Leggi tutto…
Activities on the N2Y newspaper, April 22, 2013, Volume XV, Edition 33… Leggi tutto…
Un jeu basique d’action-réaction. Il travaille le repérage visuel, la poursuite oculaire, l’attention…. Leggi tutto…
Apprentissage figures géométriques de base (carré, rond, rectangle, triangle). Consigne orale et repérage de la… Leggi tutto…
Dit toetsenbord is gemaakt voor gebruikers die door de hoge spanningen in de armen en handen moeite hebben met het gebruik van een joystick… Leggi tutto…
Inoefenen: welk getal is aangeduid op de getallenlijn?… Leggi tutto…
Woordenschat uitbreiden + oefeningen… Leggi tutto…
Situatieprent ifv zinsvorming bij het thema ‘Pasen’… Leggi tutto…
Afbeeldingen, zinsvormingsoefening en situatieprent ifv woordenschatuitbreiding en zinsvorming. Thema: voertuigen…. Leggi tutto…
Situatieprent over de tuin voor woordenschatuitbreiding en zinsvorming…. Leggi tutto…
Sommen tot 10 met visuele voorstelling in thema ruimte… Leggi tutto…
Dit bestand bevat verschillende oefeningen. Zowel reken- en taaloefeningen zijn hierin opgenomen. Bij de rekenoefeningen: – tellen tot… Leggi tutto…
Oefening om te leren optellen met euromunten… Leggi tutto…
Welk woord is goed geschreven? Kies uit 3 mogelijkheden. Deze woorden hebben allemaal te maken met eten & koken…. Leggi tutto…
Oefenen met keer sommen, tafels 1 tot 10. Tafels staan door elkaar en er kan gekozen worden uit 20 verschillende antwoorden…. Leggi tutto…
Zoek het juiste plaatje bij het engelse woord… Leggi tutto…
Oefenen van de tafels 1-10 Oefeningen per tafel + tafel 1-5 door elkaar + tafel 6-10 door elkaar + alle tafels door elkaar… Leggi tutto…
Zoek het juiste engelse woord bij het plaatje, 2e versie met andere woorden… Leggi tutto…
Iedere dag maken de kinderen met dit systeem een zin over de dag. Op die manier kunnen ze zonder te schrijven hun eigen agenda maken en… Leggi tutto…
Kinderen maken een eigen winkellijst. Ze nemen deze mee naar de winkel, om de ingrediënten voor het koken van vrijdag te kopen. Op deze… Leggi tutto…
Woorden maken door door de dynamische lijst te bladeren. Handig hulpmiddel voor wie het in de klas motorisch moeilijk heeft met het… Leggi tutto…
Een foto met de bijpassende beta-prent leren associëren… Leggi tutto…
Oefeningen op spelling, kloklezen, alfabet, maanden van het jaar, kleuren, op of onder, links of rechts, patronen, vlaggen, tellen,… Leggi tutto…
Het bekende spel met de dobbelstenen. Geschikt voor scanning…. Leggi tutto…
Het fonetisch toetsenbord is gemaakt voor bediening met scanning. Eerst wordt een kleurblok gekozen, daarna zijn enkel de letters uit dit… Leggi tutto…
Een kruispuzzel: als je op een vakje klikt, dan veranderen het vakje + alle aangrenzende vakjes van kleur. Zorg ervoor dat alle vakjes rood… Leggi tutto…
Wat trek ik vandaag aan? Kies zelf het kleur…. Leggi tutto…
Het tijdschema geeft de activiteiten van de dag weer. De rode en groene lampjes geven een indicatie van het tijdsverloop…. Leggi tutto…
Kies een symbool aan de linkerkant en zoek het overeenkomstige symbool aan de rechterkant. Thema: dieren…. Leggi tutto…
Kies een symbool aan de linkerkant en zoek het overeenkomstige symbool aan de rechterkant. Thema: kleuren… Leggi tutto…
Kies een symbool aan de linkerkant en zoek het overeenkomstige symbool aan de rechterkant. Thema: schaduw…. Leggi tutto…
Eerste woordjes Frans… Leggi tutto…
A sample weekly timetable. Each school day is divided up into hour long sections. The time indicator cell type is used to show each lesson… Leggi tutto…
Learn some Spanish words. To use this sample you will need an English and a Spanish voice…. Leggi tutto…
Learn some Italian words. To use this sample you will need an English and an Italian voice…. Leggi tutto…
Learn some French words. To use this sample you will need an English and a French voice…. Leggi tutto…
Select a symbol on the left hand side and look for the corresponding symbol on the right hand side. Find the baby animals…. Leggi tutto…
Compose and print a menu for the week…. Leggi tutto…
What will I wear today? Choose the colors…. Leggi tutto…
This timetable shows the activities of the day. The red and green dots will give an indication of the start time of the next activity…. Leggi tutto…
Select a symbol on the left hand side and look for the corresponding symbol on the right hand side…. Leggi tutto…
This example dynamic timetable uses the time indicator cell type in Mind Express. Each hour of the day has an activity displayed for it…. Leggi tutto…
Oefeningen op kloklezen, alfabet, spelling, maanden van het jaar, verbind de punten, kleuren, vormen, getallen, optellen, aftrekken, voor of… Leggi tutto…
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