developed by
  • Ultimo aggiornamento Settembre 8, 2021
  • Creato da Jabbla
  • Numero di download 65

This activity demonstrates multiple ways to animate a cell in Mind Express. You can use it to experiment and learn more about making cells move around the screen. You can create very interesting and engaging games with these techniques.

An accompanying video can be run by pressing the Video tutorial button on the first page. It will explain in detail what you need to do to get you started.

You need at least version of Mind Express to use this activity.
This activity will not work on Zingui and Smart devices!


  • Inglese

  • Mouse/Touch Sensori Puntamento oculare

  • SymbolStix

  • Scuola primaria Scuola secondaria Adulti

  • Mind Express 4 Mind Express 5

  • Gratuito

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