developed by
  • Ultimo aggiornamento Settembre 8, 2021
  • Creato da F. Quinn / JABBLA
  • Numero di download 53

In this activity children design an original turkey by selecting elements from different cells. After completing the artwork, learners click the 'write' button and go to the next page where they will be able to describe the picture with the words provided on the page. The writing activity is aligned with SCORE, a comprehensive communication pageset that runs in Mind Express. There are two 'print' buttons: one to print just the artwork and the other to print the writing in the message window. Artwork and text can also be used to create a personalized holiday card for Thanksgiving.


  • Inglese

  • Mouse/Touch Sensori

  • SymbolStix

  • Scuola primaria

  • Mind Express 4 Mind Express 5

  • Gratuito

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"*" indica campo richiesto

Questo campo serve per la convalida e dovrebbe essere lasciato inalterato.