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  • Ultimo aggiornamento 08 Novembre 2021
  • Creato da Jabbla
  • Numero di download 559

KeyVit Mini is a software keyboard to type in other applications, designed for switch users. Combine this file with the Mouse Control file to control the mouse with switches.

ATTENTION: you need switches, to adequately test and use this pageset. You can read more about using scanning via switches in Mind Express 5 here.
Doesn't your computer have inputs for 1 or 2 switches? Then you might find the Woodpecker useful. 



  • Inglese Francese Olandese

  • Sensori

  • Testo (alfabeto)

  • Scuola primaria Scuola secondaria Adulti

  • Mind Express 5

  • Gratuito

Suggerimenti per l'uso



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