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  • Ultimo aggiornamento 08 Novembre 2021
  • Creato da Jabbla
  • Numero di download 656

Control the mouse with switches. Use Radar, 4 Directions or Down-Right mode to move the mouse on your screen and select the Click, Double Click, Right Click or Drag action. Combine this file with the KeyVit Mini keyboard to type text using switches.





ATTENTION: you need switches, to adequately test and use this pageset. You can read more about using scanning via switches in Mind Express 5 here.
Doesn't your computer have inputs for 1 or 2 switches? Then you might find the Woodpecker useful. 


  • Inglese Francese Olandese Svenska

  • Sensori

  • Nessuna informazione disponibile

  • Scuola primaria Scuola secondaria Adulti

  • Mind Express 5

  • Gratuito

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