developed by
  • Laatst bijgewerkt december 25, 2023
  • Door Jabbla
  • Downloads 180

PODD is an efficient and organized communication system for individuals with complex communication needs and their communication partners. PODD is an integrated, multi-modal AAC system that supports autonomous communication at any time. Authored by Gayle Porter, PODD is available in different formats (communication books and high tech SGD) to meet individual needs.

The PODD page sets for Mind Express are offered in high tech versions for SGD devices, such as the Vibe, the Tellus, or the Mobi. These page sets are the official and most current PODD versions in English (US/UK/AUS) for Mind Express. They were developed by Jabbla in close collaboration with Gayle Porter.

The PODD 60 expanded key word page set is designed for children and teenagers who are able to use key word sentences and are learning to communicate for a full range of purposes using symbols, whole words, word morphology spelling, and word prediction.
This page set includes sentence starters, core and predictably associated vocabulary to increase the efficiency of communication.

The PODD 60 complex page set has a similar language complexity and vocabulary organization to the two-page opening 90+ and the two-page opening with a side panel 100+ complex syntax PODD communication books. PODD page sets require PCS symbols.


  • English

  • Muis/Touch Schakelaars

  • PCS

  • 12-18 Volwassenen

  • Mind Express 5

  • Betalend

Tips voor gebruik

Please note: PODD is a paid and protected pageset because of author’s rights. However, you can try it out for 30 days. If you wish to purchase PODD, contact your nearby reseller by clicking on the “Request info” button.

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