developed by
  • Laatst bijgewerkt 24 november 2023
  • Door Jabbla
  • Downloads 139

Dive into the vast world of movies and series without leaving your Mind Express platform with this Disney+ app. This seamless integration enables users to control and navigate through the expansive content library of Disney+ directly from Mind Express, ensuring a smooth and user-friendly experience. To utilize this feature, make sure your Mind Express software is updated to at least version This brings entertainment closer to you but also redefines accessibility and convenience for Mind Express users. Enjoy a world of entertainment at your fingertips!


  • English

  • Muis/Touch Schakelaars Oogsturing Low vision

  • geen informatie over symbolenset beschikbaar

  • <5 6-12 Volwassenen

  • Mind Express 5

  • Gratis

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