developed by
  • Laatst bijgewerkt maart 16, 2023
  • Door Christine
  • Downloads 85

Learn more about "Message set in Mind Express 5":


A personal database of:

  • recorded messages
  • and/or text-to-speech (TTS) messages



You can build your language with recordings of your own voice if possible. However, you can also build or further expand your Message set with TTS.



Building and/or modifying your communication file with your own messages? This can be done via both "Settings" and "Actions" in Mind Express.

  • In your ME5 profile > Menu > Settings > Speech > Message set
  • In your ME5 pageset > Menu > Edit > Add action > Message set


In this pageset

This free ME5 pageset aims to get you started. It illustrates, how to display, build and customise your Message Set with the necessary actions.
Don't want to build your own communication file from scratch? Then you can also use this pageset to import the categories and phrases from Amego EN into your communication file.





  • English

  • Muis/Touch Schakelaars Oogsturing

  • SymbolStix Alfabet / tekst

  • 6-12 12-18 Volwassenen

  • Mind Express 5

  • Gratis

Tips voor gebruik





Reactie of vraag aan de auteur

Heb je een vraag, wens je verduidelijking of extra informatie over dit bestand? Contacteer de auteur via dit formulier. We beschermen je privacy: je opmerking komt niet online. We delen wel jouw gegevens met de auteur om jouw vraag te beantwoorden.

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