developed by
  • Ultimo aggiornamento Luglio 3, 2024
  • Creato da Christine
  • Numero di download 8

Do you work with StarNav headtracking on your communication device with 2 cameras (front and back, for example for taking pictures, for using the C-tru app  ...)? An issue can occur on a Tellus 6 when using the StarNav headtracking software.  The software can choose the rear camera on the Tellus rather than the front one.  It is not possible to set which camera to use with the StarNav software.
The fix is to temporarily switch off the rear facing camera and launch Mind Express, forcing the StarNav software to use the front camera.  Then when Mind Express has launched the rear camera can be switched back on. Detailed instructions on how to automate this process is listed in this document.

In a lot of cases, our production team will already have taken care of the bulletpoints below:

  • This fix is only for StarNav users who have a SGD with 2 cameras (for example: a Tellus 6)
  • Make sure your StarNav add-on is enabled in Mind Express (Menu > Settings > System)
  • You need someone who can download and unzip files as well as program in Mind Express 5 (instructions included in this pageset).



  • Inglese

  • Mouse/Touch

  • Testo (alfabeto)

  • <5 Scuola primaria Scuola secondaria Adulti

  • Mind Express 5

  • Gratuito

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