developed by
  • Laatst bijgewerkt september 7, 2021
  • Door Jabbla
  • Downloads 1

A Visual Scene Display (VSD) is an image or a photograph of a familiar scene with stored messages to encourage meaningful communication. These photographs tend to be personal images, enabling the individual to communicate about things that are important to them within their current context. The idea is that they activate ‘hotspots’ on the image, which will then provide them with relevant vocabulary. The Visual Scene pagesets for Mind Express include different examples about common actions (e.g., play) or events (e.g., birthday party) plus a template to create your own VSD.


  • geen informatie over taalkeuze beschikbaar

  • geen informatie over bediening beschikbaar

  • geen informatie over symbolenset beschikbaar

  • geen informatie over leeftijd beschikbaar

  • geen informatie over de Mind Express versie beschikbaar

  • geen informatie over prijs beschikbaar

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