developed by
  • Laatst bijgewerkt 31 augustus 2021
  • Door Jabbla
  • Downloads 64

SCORE is a symbol based strategy that can be used at a very early stage to develop and increase language development, thereby facilitating and improving communication skills. This pageset has been specifically designed for the UK and is based on the Widgit symbol set.


  • English

  • Muis/Touch Schakelaars Oogsturing

  • Widgit

  • 6-12 12-18 Volwassenen

  • Mind Express 5

  • Betalend

Tips voor gebruik

Please note: SCORE is a paid and protected pageset because of author’s rights. However, you can try it out for 30 days. If you wish to purchase SCORE, contact your nearby reseller by clicking on the “Request info” button.

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