developed by
  • Laatst bijgewerkt 31 augustus 2021
  • Door Jabbla
  • Downloads 547

With this 400 version of SCORE you can get to know SCORE in an accessible way. This version has 8 rows and 10 columns, making it accessible to more people in terms of operation and visual possibilities. Both the core and fringe vocabulary has been reduced. Specifically, you have the SCORE full 400 layout here. You can of course add and adjust vocabulary yourself. In addition, the simple multimedia options such as music, video, calculator, internet radio, youtube and camera are available. SCORE is a symbol vocabulary that grows with the language development of the user. So you can start working with it from a young age. SCORE is based on extensive scientific research and user experience. It allows to build sentences and experiment with language. Thanks to a fixed core vocabulary and an expandable peripheral vocabulary, you can use SCORE to measure.


  • English

  • Muis/Touch Schakelaars Oogsturing

  • SymbolStix

  • 6-12 12-18 Volwassenen

  • Mind Express 5

  • Gratis

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