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  • Ultimo aggiornamento 31 Agosto 2021
  • Creato da Jabbla
  • Numero di download 158

Steps to Language is a vocabulary package designed to support children to develop the skills needed for symbol based communication. It has been specifically designed for children using AAC, right from the very beginning of their journey, moving towards developing complex language skills. Steps to Language has 5 stages so that the child can gradually build their language skills in a similar way to how young children learn to talk. The 5 stages reflect a child’s growing vocabulary, changing interests and development of literacy skills. Steps to Language is available in a range of symbol sets, including PCS, SymbolStix and Widgit.


  • Inglese

  • Mouse/Touch Puntamento oculare Sensori

  • PCS

  • Scuola primaria Scuola secondaria Adulti

  • Mind Express 5

  • Gratuito

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