developed by
  • Ultimo aggiornamento 18 Dicembre 2023
  • Creato da Gayle Porter / Jabbla
  • Numero di download 238

PODD is an efficient and organized communication system for individuals with complex communication needs and their communication partners. PODD is an integrated, multi-modal AAC system that supports autonomous communication at any time.
Authored by Gayle Porter, PODD is available in different formats (communication books and high tech SGD) to meet individual needs.

The Direct Access PODD communication book templates are designed for individuals who are able to direct point with a whole hand, finger or tool. Some of the templates can also be modified to accommodate pick up/give show or partner-assisted visual scanning access methodologies. These communication books are available with varied and scalable levels of linguistic complexity to support language development and meet the motor, visual, and language needs of each user. This resource includes templates to make 12 different Direct Access PODD communication books and 2 group books. Here is a list of all the books inluded in this pageset:


PODD 9 Early Functions

PODD 9 Expanded Functions

PODD 12 Early Functions

PODD 12 Expanded Functions

PODD 16 Expanded Functions

PODD 20 Expanded Functions

PODD 36 Key Word

PODD 40 Key Word

PODD 48 Expanded Key Word

PODD 70 Expanded Key Word

PODD 90 Plus Complex Syntax

PODD 100 Plus Complex Syntax

PODD Group Books (Book and Vest format)


Please NOTE: these book templates are for Letter Size paper, US English. They use PCS Symbols (you will need a license for the symbols).


For more details click here.


Also NOTE: These files are not free of charge due to copyright. The communication book templates are protected and can only be used after the purchase of a PODD license. You need a PODD license and a Mind Express license to use the files.


To know more about purchase options, please select the REQUEST INFO button below (next to DOWNLOAD). We can give you more info on prices or activate your PODD license. This license will be linked to your Mind Express license. To do this, you will need to provide the serial number of your Mind Express license in the email.


  • Inglese

  • Mouse/Touch

  • PCS

  • <5 Scuola primaria Scuola secondaria Adulti

  • Mind Express 5

  • A pagamento

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