developed by
  • Dernière mise à jour septembre 8, 2021
  • Par Jabbla
  • Téléchargements 122

This document allows you to select the List button and then select a subject from the list (eg Dora, Nemo, Minions) and the very first youtube movie of that subject will start playing immediately. This can be easily adjusted on page 'search terms' by modifying only the label of the cell.

You can also press the Search button to type a text and start playing the very first youtube movie that is related to that text.


  • Anglais

  • Souris Contacteurs Commande oculaire Basse vision

  • Aucune info disponible

  • 6-12 12-18 Adultes

  • Mind Express 4 Mind Express 5

  • Gratuit

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