developed by
  • Dernière mise à jour décembre 13, 2021
  • Par Ace Centre
  • Téléchargements 631

Talk Together is a unique new way for a young people and their communication partners to work together. From the very beginning, this innovative vocabulary package encourages your involvement in modelling and supporting a developing vocabulary – all within a highly intuitive set of pages that enables young people say what they want. A wealth of on-screen support and ideas are available at the touch of a button at every stage, so there’s no need to constantly refer to the manual!

Changing access method is as simple as selecting the settings cell and choosing 'change access method' If eye gaze or dwell mouse is chosen a rest cell is automatically added to all pages.


  • Anglais

  • Souris Contacteurs Commande oculaire

  • PCS

  • 6-12 12-18 Adultes

  • Mind Express 4 Mind Express 5

  • Gratuit

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