developed by
  • Laatst bijgewerkt september 8, 2021
  • Door Ian Foulger
  • Downloads 234

SymChat is a vocabulary designed to allow easy chatting. Simple sentences are constructed using 2 hit selections. The page layouts are rigidly adhered to, making SymChat suitable for keyguard use. SymChat uses the unique dynamic content feature of Mind Express allowing all pages to be scrolled using the + sign when there are more items on a page. A keyboard with symbol prediction is included. Text messaging & emailing pages are also included along with ability to show email attachments. A camera page for taking photos along with a photo album are also available. Access method is easily changed with the click of one cell and when eye gaze is chosen a rest cell is automatically added to all pages. Users can be protected from spam email by only allowing emails from known contacts in the address book to be received.


  • English

  • Muis/Touch

  • SymbolStix

  • 6-12 12-18 Volwassenen

  • Mind Express 4 Mind Express 5

  • Gratis

Reactie of vraag aan de auteur

Heb je een vraag, wens je verduidelijking of extra informatie over dit bestand? Contacteer de auteur via dit formulier. We beschermen je privacy: je opmerking komt niet online. We delen wel jouw gegevens met de auteur om jouw vraag te beantwoorden.

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